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All the spiders sat across from each other, their boss called for another meeting and they were currently in their hideout in yorknew city, waiting for a certain magician that seems to have to habit of being late.
Chrollo paid almost no attention to his surrounding, nor to his subordinates whispers about the tardy hisoka, focusing only on the book in his hands.
An hour passed and the meeting had yet to begin, to which the spiders responded with annoyed groans and wild comments on how each and every one of them would punish the clown for making them wait for so long.

His amused chuckles could be almost heard through the entire building
"My my what a colourful language, I'm almost getting excited here~"

And just like that he appeared, casually sitting next to a window on what seems like some broken stairs that lead to a second floor, shuffling his deck of cards with his signature smirk clear as day on his face.

Chrollo paid him no attention, eager to get finished with his meeting so he can go back to reading his book, it was quite clear to everyone else as well and quick enough there was nothing but silence, and chrollo began to speak.

"That's all for now, I'll provide further details when the time comes"

Through the meeting he explained what their next operation is, not giving them much details about it but it was rather to notify them so they can stay alerted and not wander far away from the city since they had to be separated once again after this.

"Before everyone leaves, i have received some kind of invitations to a secret event organized by the zoldyck family. machi, boss~ you are invited as well"
Hisoka spoke catching everyone's attention.
sending 2 of his cards flying towards the people present in the room, the invitations he spoke of attached to each one of it with his bungee gum~

"I've never heard of the zoldyck family organizing events"
Pokonoda commented on the matter first even before learning the black paper's content.

"This could be a trap"

"Why is it that you received our invitations?"
Machi asked the magician who was only focused on chrollo's reaction, studying his expressions as he looked at the empty sheet in his hand, not needing much thinking to figure out it was written in nen, a very powerful one that is.

There's no need to mention how hisoka reacted to receiving those letters, it did make him beyond excited, if anything he was helplessly turned on by the amount of aura in these sheets, he couldn't help but wonder who is it that wrote these invitations, he could tell it was far away from being illumi's doing, but it could be any of his family members, he went as far as suspecting the butlers as well, feeling so eager and impatient to find out who was this fruit and what would it take to mercilessly break them.

Machi's voice, higher a bit now stopped his daydreams
"I asked you a question hisoka"

He wore his signature smirk on his face, eyes closed completely as he spoke
"I have no idea about that machi, i can't think of any reasons either. It would seem this person knows about each and every one of the members and found it easier to reach out to me first, you see i have been a busy man lately it couldn't be so hard to find out about my whereabouts~"

It was quite clear what he meant by being busy, all of yorknew city's underground community heard about the murderous clown and his recent massacres.

"If it's from the zoldycks it's safe to assume one of them wrote the letters so why does it seem like you're talking about someone else"

Feitan found this a perfect opportunity to question the magician whom he didn't trust at all, Hisoka was just... Hisoka.
There was always something off about him.

"It says that the event is held in a bar, it could be a trap, even if they held it in their estate it could still be a trap"

"assassins or not you shouldn't think of them that way nobunaga, the zoldycks are not the type to kill their guests after inviting them into their home" shalnark with his ever so cheerful tone replied to him, he was correct, a family of feared monsters wouldn't need to use such cheap methods if they really wanted them dead

"Why are we discussing that when we could just not attend to it? Isn't that the safest option we have" Once again it was machi that received hisoka's smirk after her comment.

"Wouldn't it be rude to decline an invitation from the infamous assassin family, if they weren't after us already then we would be giving them a reason to be~" from his tone it was clear hisoka was enjoying himself a bit too much for a situation like this, but again he enjoyed very odd things for that to be suspicious.

"where did you find these invitations hisoka?" chrollo asked finally, after reading the content of the letter multiple times. searching for any hidden meanings between the so formal words.

"hmm~ they were in my hotel room when I found them"

there was a long moment of silence, hisoka knew he was going to attend this event no matter what was chrollo's decision, knowing him he would avoid going there himself being cautious as ever and probably send one of the members to represent him instead, most likely pakunoda, machi seemed too doubtful but would follow the boss's orders despite her personal fears.

"very well then, I will accept this invitation, you are free to make your own decisions, if this is all I will be taking my leave" he paused for a second or two to look at hisoka who surprisingly didn't give him his famous closed eyes smile, then left leaving only the sound of his steps echoing through the whole building as he headed out.

unlike machi and the other members. the two of them had an idea about what was going on, and the person behind those mysterious invitations.

the one and only, eve zoldyck, the most powerful of all.

Hello everyone <3
Just to make things clear this chapter has nothing to do with the plot of the story.
It's merely an introduction to the book.

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