My sea

82 13 6

The sea roars and yearns,

yearns for a light kiss

on its waves

to calm it's blazing depths,

from the distant sun

hidden behind her dark veil,

for the storm has trifled

with its hidden secrets

and caverns full of treasures,

forsaken from the lore

of ancient man

and awaken a foul beast,

buried in the endless depths

of the sea's soul...

so it yearns

for the golden sun

to calm this beast

and cause tranquility

to sway with its waves...

If the sea is you ,love

am I the sun

or the storm?

frankly I prefer the storm

for I wish to know

what truly lies

in your soul....

MT~ 2 1 2015

thoughts? I have been behind my reading for some time now... though I will read tomorrow:)

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