Chapter 15:Finale💜

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Jungkook's POV:

After 3 days, I finally got discharged from the hospital. I tried to search for Taehyung, but he left without a trace. I called Seokjin hyung to asked, but he got furious about it. Especially, when he learned what really had happened.

And now, the only person left as my chance to see Taehyung again, is Jimin. God knows how this man really hates me. He never trusted me about Taehyung. He always sees me as a punk. Which is definitely true. I press on the door bell for almost 5x but still no response. I was about to leave when the gate was finally opened revealing a short pinky haired male. Well, it's Jimin obviously. Taehyung's best friend and childhood friend.

"Yah! Why are you disturbing my peaceful nap? What do you want now, punk?!"- he really sounds irritated.

" We-well. You see, Taehyung and I are ..."- he cut me off already.

"You're done. You don't have to tell me about it. Do you think, I'm fool?! I'm not mistaken 7 years ago. When I first met you with my Tae-Tae, I swear I want to just hit your face so hard. I don't believe that you're going to stay by Taehyung's side forever. And look now? I was right! You just had left him” like that. After all the sacrifices he had done for you?! You're just going to throw him away? Just like that?!"-he is now gripping my collar tightly and his eyes is full of hatred.

I was silent for a bit. Unable to get my whole thoughts because I know, what is he saying is the truth. I just deserve to be treated this way. I deserve this.

"You don't know what my best friend had given just for you. You don't know his sacrifice just for you to live in your life right now. You should have been begging for him to come back to you. Not breaking his heart. You're... You're such an IDIOT!"-his voice cracked because of too much anger.

"I... I know."- I said without minding if I sound pathetic or what to him. "You're right I'm such a punk. I'm such an IDIOT! I'm a big idiot for hurting him, for letting him go...(my tears suddenly rolled down from my face) I've caused too much pain, too much that I don't deserve his forgiveness."

"That's right!!! And I'm glad you know it."-then he turned away from me.

"Wait, Ji-Jimin... I know you know something. I know that, you know where is he. Just please, try to hear me first...(then he paused. He's not walking anymore he just stood in front of me while still facing the door.) I don't deserve his forgiveness, I know. I know that, he felt too much pain because of me. I've broken my promise many times. I know that, he doesn't want to see me anymore...(my vision got blurry because of the tears) But please... Tell him, I'm sorry. I'm sorry because, I've broken the promises I made. I'm sorry because, I've caused too much pain to him. I'm sorry because,he  had to meet someone like me. I'm sorry because... He had to love someone like me...( I breathe deeply) But tell him also that, meeting him is something I wouldn't regret. Meeting him, is something I'd always want to rewind and happen, for a thousand times,for a million more...( I am sitting on the ground now.) Tell Taehyung that, I was a big fool for not realizing that, his the only person in my heart. That he is the only person that I wanted to love. That, if meeting him back then was a choice. I wouldn't hesitate to say that, I still want to meet him even if, we weren't meant for each other... I might be too late to say this but... But, Taehyung is my first and will always be my love."

Then Jimin looked into my direction with his serious gaze.

" Please... Tell Taehyung that, he needs to live and fight. It's not for me, but for his loved ones. He needs to live... Please, ____when Taehyung is crying because of me. Don't forget to hug him. That's what makes him stop crying. Whenever he feel afraid,____ try to joke around, that way he'll forget his fears. And, when he is feeling hopeless. Try to play any song from his favorite idol group BTS. That way, he'll find support and reason to go on... (I looked at my hands, I'm still wearing the bracelet he gifted me 7 years ago) Those are the things, that I should have done for him... Those are the things____ I forgot and failed to do, when... When we were still together. When I still have him."-with those said words. I tried to collect my strength and stood. Now, I turned my back from him. Trying to make a step away from his house. But it seems like,every step is just too heavy.

Taehyung's POV:
I'm hiding from the door. Trying to not make any noise. I swear the first time, I heard his voice cracked because of crying. I wanted to just hug him tightly and comfort him. But I know, it's wrong. Coz he's not mine anymore.

" Please... Tell Taehyung that, he needs to live and fight. It's not for me, but for his life. He needs to live... Please, ____when Taehyung is crying because of me. Don't forget to hug him. That's what makes him stop crying. Whenever he feel afraid,____ try to joke around, that way he'll forget his fears. And, when he is feeling hopeless. Try to play the any song from his favorite idol group BTS. That way, he'll find support and reason to go on...  Those are the things, that I should have done for him... Those are the things____ I forgot and failed to do, when... When we were still together. When I still have him."

The door knob clicked open. Jimin did it, as if it's my cue to go outside. Without further thinking, I pushed the door open. I felt my heart beating so fast. I know, by this time he is probably stepping away from this house.

"J-jungkook..."-it's more likely a whisper. I stepped forward, trying to run to his direction. But I failed cause, I bumped into the post.

I cried as I can't smell his fragrance anymore.

"Jungkook!!!"- I shouted with all the strength left.

"Taehyung stand up."-It's Jimin from my back.

"He already left... He left me, already... I'm alone now. And he's never going to come back again..."- I said as my tears continue to roll down.


"Jimin?..."-i can't feel his hands anymore after he had helped me to stand.

"Who said, I'm going to leave you and never come back?"- a sudden voice said, probably in front of me.

I was startled...


Without any more words, he just hugged me tightly. I am crying really hard in his shoulder, it's not because of sadness this time. It's because of too much happiness, euphoria and love that I felt inside. God knows how I missed this man, his scent and everything about him. For the past minutes, no more words was exchanged.

"Taehyungie...(he broked the hug, now he is looking directly at my face he cupped my face) I'm so sorry..."
"Sssh..."-but I cut off him immediately by connecting our lips. It was a deep, and passionate kiss.

"Okay guys. I'll just go inside because, the atmosphere here is not that nice anymore. And bye the way, I don't like drama. So better took care of my Tae-Tae, coz if you hurt him again. I swear to God. You'll never see him again, and I'll make him mine."- then he went inside his house.

After the long and deep kiss, jungkook hugged me again.

"He's not that bad..."-he uttered suddenly.


"Jimin hyung... I'm glad that, he's your best friend slash soulmate. Now, I definitely understand."

"Are you jealous? Mr. Hyung?"- I joked around.

"No... I'm just saying that... He's the best type of best friend material...(silence) I love you so much... Taehyungie."-he whispered in my ears.

"I know..."- I giggled from the way he whispers and blew air right into my ears.

"I love you, and I'll always do love you. This time, I won't get tired. This time, I'll never forget it."-then he closes the gap between our lips.

Just by his sweet kiss, I know he's telling the truth. I know, this time he won't break this promise til his graveyard. I just knew that, all the pain and holes that had been left inside my heart... Had healed now. There's no more pain, only love.


Resignation(Vkook Fanfiction Completed) @Joell95Where stories live. Discover now