Ch.1 - The Nightmare

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T.W- Nightmare, panic attack

Please tell me if you find something wrong, this is my first book so it's not that good :P

Logan POV-

Everything was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. I then heard a door open, a person walked in.

"Salutations, do you know the cause of this darkness?" I asked.

He turned to me, smiling, his eyes pure black as well and dripping some sort of black, tar like substance. "You are so useless Logan," He whispered, then he let out a dark laugh. "Why are you even still here?"

"What? I'm not sure what you are saying," my voice was shaking.

"Oh, you don't?" His smile became wider, "Nobody cares about you Logan, you are the least favorite after all. No one would mind if you ducked out."

I backed away from him, "I might not be as loved as the others, but I am necessary for Thomas's well being. Without me he would struggle to do basic things."

"Oh please! You know if you left a new logic would form, a better one!" He laughed again, "Plus, even if you didn't die, any one of the other sides could do a better job than you at being logic; Janus, Roman, Virgil, even Remus! So, what good are you?"

"Even if that is true, I do not plan on ducking out or dying any time soon, so I will continue to help Thomas." I responded

"You? Help Thomas? You do nothing but add useless information that he will never need to know. He needs someone who understands feelings; like Patton or Virgil."

"Patton is helping me understand emotions more," I said in a low voice, but I knew he was right. Thomas needs people who understand feelings, and I am not the best at that.

"Honestly Janus could do a much better job than you, he had no problem last episode, and the others didn't even notice."

He was right again, when Janus impersonated me, none of the others realized it was not me until he revealed himself. I felt my breath quicken as I struggled to find air. The person was gone now, but he had gotten what he wanted.

The room felt much smaller now as I clawed my neck, as if it would give me air. I heard the voices of the others talking to me, saying things like useless, least favorite, worthless and more. My head was pounding as my heart was beating rapidly. I tried to scream but no sound came.

I passed out.


What do you think? This is my first story so I apologize if it is bad.

Also sorry about how short it is, I couldn't think of to much for the nightmare.

Have a nice day, bye! :)

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