Ch.13 - Telling Thomas

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- an annoying person (Patton)

Feel free to let me know if anything is wrong with this chapter! (Spelling or grammatical errors, incorrect information, etc.)
-Thomas's POV-

Oddly enough, I haven't seen any of my sides for a while. It felt kind of weird. I finally have not had any major video-worthy problems for a while, but I still usually talk to them a bit.

Maybe I should call up the sides, just to talk. I miss Roman ranting about being princely and Patton being a sweetheart. Heck, I even wish I could talk to Remus! I'm sure none of them are in the middle of anything important, so there's no harm in calling them up.

"Roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan! Can you guys come here?" I yelled, hoping they heard me.

Virgil, Logan, and Roman all appeared at their designated spots; although, Patton hadn't show up.

"I realized we haven't talked in a while," I began, "so how are you guys?"

"I guess you're right Thomas." Roman stated, ignoring my question. "We haven't made a video in a while, your life has been pretty chill."

"Too chill," Virgil looked up suddenly.

"No, no, no. Calm down, I'm perfectly fine with not panicking about my existence right now Virgil." I blurted out.

"Ok, I maybe it's all right." Virgil muttered, "Unless?"


"Fine then," Virgil pouted.

"Anyways, where is Patton? I wanted to see him as well." I looked to each side, who all simultaneously avoided my gaze.

"Well?" I asked, now intrigued, "Is something wrong? Is he hurt?"

"I wish." both Roman and Virgil said at the same time.

"Huh?" I questioned, "I'm confused, what did he do?"

"Nothing Thomas," Logan spoke for the first time, "it's nothing to worry about."

Virgil shot a look at Logan that made me believe it was something to worry about. "I don't believe you Logan," I stated, "what's wrong?"

"He just did some things," Logan uttered as he looked to the ground, "and I didn't like them."

"Logan he literally abused you," I turned to Virgil in shock, "you make it sound like he just called you names or stole your favorite book."

"WHAT?" I screamed. Patton, the cute adorable father figure who seemed so sweet and innocent, would abuse Logan?

"Virgil I swear I'm going to smack you!" Logan hissed. "You didn't need to tell him!"

"I'm so confused! Explanation please?" I said.

"Well" Roman began, much to Logan's dismay, "Patton and Logan started dating a bit ago. Apparently, Patton told Logan he would help teach Logan feelings and correct emotional responses to certain situations. He told Logan that in good, healthy relationships one person would hurt and berate the other."

"Also," Virgil butted in, "he hurt Logan many times! We only found out because I walked in on Patton slapping Logan! After that, Patton tried to get to Logan again, but we stopped it."

"Patton, the cute puffball?" I stated in disbelief, "how?"

Roman answered, "It was a facade, he's not soft or sweet at all. He is toxic and manipulative!"

Logan who had been quiet since they started talking about what Patton did, spoke. "He told me it was for my own good, that I was selfish to try and stop him from hurting me when he only had my best interests in heart." He sniffled.

"Patton is a monster," Virgil put his arm around Logan, "he tried to tell the others that Logan and I were hurting and attacking him."

I couldn't believe this. I didn't understand. Why would Patton ever do this?

"I think he liked to see Logan in pain," Roman said, before I even had to ask.

Just then, someone I used to like appeared.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late kiddo, it was like someone was trying to stop me from coming to see you." Patton smiled, facing four angry faces. "What's wrong?"

"I can't believe you Patton!" I shrieked. "You cannot just pretend you are all kind and stuff, and then hurt Logan!"

"You told him," Patton growled, losing his happy act at once. "You don't understand Thomas, I only did what was best. Logan was much better and more complicit when I was helping him!"

"Patton if you don't leave in 10 seconds, I'm going to be very angry!" I retorted.

Patton, sensing his host's anger and aggression, left immediately. The other sides then turned to Thomas.

"Sadly there is nothing we sides can do to stop him. As your feelings he embodies to much and has to much power to be easily taken down. We will just have to live with him." Logan sighed, still held tightly against Virgil's side. "Sides cannot do much by themselves."

I, filled with a new determination to help them, thought for a minute. They, as sides, might not be able to do anything to stop Patton, but maybe I could?

"Is there anything I could do to help?" I questioned

"Well, maybe."


I apologize greatly for the long break, I haven't been on wattpad for a long time. This chapter might not be the best, I was rushing to get one out for you guys. I hope you enjoyed this at least a little bit!
Have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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