Ch.2 - The Others

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- Unsympathetic Patton (only at the end)
- Remus

-Logan's POV-

I jolted awake, I was in a cold sweat, and my heart was pounding. My eyes wandered around the room, I was relieved it was no longer pitch black.

I got off my bed, my body still shaking and started to get dressed. I finished tying my tie as I walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, I had huge eye bags. I put on some makeup to hide them so the others wouldn't worry, and exited my room.

I walked downstairs, which smelled of pancakes, the others were already there.

"Hey Logie!" Patton said as he flipped a pancake, "Did you sleep well?"

Lying I said, "Salutations Patton, yes I did sleep well."

"That's great!" He said, pulling me in for a kiss as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Ew, get a room," Virgil screeched from on top of the fridge. For some reason his voice sounded sad, but I was sure it wasn't anything.

"Sorry Kiddo!" Patton said embarrassed, he also didn't realize Virgil was there. "Call Roman please, tell him breakfast is ready."

"Ok Dad" Virgil said as he jumped off the fridge and walked away. Patton smiled at being called dad and started setting the table. I reached into the fridge and found my jar of crofters, then sat down.

Virgil and Roman walked in and Patton gave everyone their food. I started putting a generous amount of crofters on my pancakes.

"You have more jelly than pancakes Logan," Roman said, laughing, Virgil and Patton started laughing as well. I assumed this was the proper time, so I laughed along.

Everyone stopped and turned to me, "What?" I questioned, "Was that not the proper time to laugh? I apologize."

"N-no we have just never heard you laugh before." Virgil stammered. He, for some reason, was very red. I didn't think he was sick, so I thought nothing of it.

"Well I guess Microsoft nerd can laugh," Roman said jokingly, though he sounded genuinely surprised.

Patton was smiled at me, then went back to eating, the others did as well. Once everyone was finished with their food I picked up their dishes and started to wash them.

"Thanks lo-lo!" Patton said, coming over and kissing me on the cheek. I smiled, at which Virgil turned even more red. Roman just sat on the couch, confused.

"Bad morning to you all"

I spun my head around to see Janus and Remus standing behind the couch that Roman was on. Who, after seeing them, jumped off and moved by Patton and Virgil who were standing a few feet away from the tv. I put down the dish I was washing and walked over to them.

"Greetings Janus, Remus." I said, breaking the silence, "What brings you here?" I said nodding my head in their direction when I said their names.
Though Remus was not paying attention as he was having a conversation with himself about the positive effects of cannibalism.

"Hello Logan, I'm so not sorry for the last episodes events," He replies, "also we weren't just dropping by."

"No harsh feelings Janus, are you staying for a bit?" I asked, personally I had nothing against Janus and Remus but the others did.

"If you aren't fine with it," Janus said with a tone that said he couldn't care less. Though I knew he probably wanted to get out of the dark sides' place, as it was not the most interesting place, plus it's good to go to different places every once in a while.

"We're not fine wi-," Roman started

"Of course we are fine with it! Right Roman?" Virgil said, surprisingly.

"But-," Virgil shot a glare at Roman who then nodded quickly.

"Thank you" Janus said, as he and Remus went to the dining room, sat down, and started talking.

"What the heck Logan!" Roman screeched, "Why would you let them stay?"

"I Don't see what is wrong with them staying here." Roman frowned, then walked off mumbling something along the lines of 'Dark sides' and 'Villians'.

"I am going to go work on the script for the next episode, good day." I said as I walked up the stairs and into my room.

I sat down at my desk and began typing.

-Time skip-

After we all finished eating dinner, I sat on the couch and started reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I can't remember how many times I've read it, but I know I've read it a lot.

Virgil and Janus actually looked like they were and having a decent conversation, and Patton was telling Remus why it's not ok to eat deodorant. Though Remus was saying how deodorant was delicious and he just needed to try it, which Patton constantly refused. Roman was watching Moana and insisted on singing every song.

After a while, I was so immersed in my book that I didn't realize the others were trying to get my attention, as they wanted to know if I wanted to watch the Greatest Showman. Roman then reached out his and tapped me on the shoulder.

I flinched in surprise, then looked around hoping they didn't see. Unfortunately for me, everyone was staring in surprise.

"Logan are you ok?" Roman asked.

"I-I'm fine, I am going to go read in my room, goodbye." I said quietly, I dashed up the stairs despite hearing the others telling me to come back.

-Patton's POV-

"Is he ok? Did I do something wrong?" Roman asked, he was very distraught.

"It wasn't your fault Roman. I'm not sure he's ok, though someone should go check on him." Janus said, comforting Roman.

"I'll go talk to him, it might have been out off surprise." I suggested.

"Thank you Patton." Janus said with a sincere smile on his face.

I walked upstairs heading to Logan's room. He's going to be sorry he did that, they might have found out.


Just to clarify, when Janus talks in italics (this) it means the opposite

Bad morning - Good morning
I am doing horrible - I am doing good
No - yes

That was probably obvious but idc, have a nice day.

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