Chapter 9: The Library

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  After your little 'skirmish' with the assassin that attacked you. Toph took you back to the others.

  They were all surprised and a little worried to see that you were covered in blood. You gave them the same excuse you gave Toph, which was a lot harder to pull off. Especially with Katara.

  After she healed you, everyone gathered their things and took off on Appa to travel to their next destination.

Aang: How's he doing?

  Everyone turns to look at you as your head rests in Katara's lap. Bandages covered your neck and parts of your torso. Your armor was a little burnt which really made them wonder what you did in the canyon.

Katara: He's doing fine. But I can't help but feel there's still something going on with him.

  *in your head, Your POV*

  I sat in a still environment. Meditating and focusing, feeling my mind at ease. My mind reflected on the past I had with my mother. A vision played as I remember her in Kyoshi Warrior armor practicing with the war fans while a younger me watched.

Daiyu: The key to our fighting back on the island wasn't about strength, it was about using our enemies strength against them.

  She told the younger me as she did her fluid movements with the fans. But that doesn't always have to be the case.

  The vision faded as a sigh escaped my lips.

Y/N: 'Mother, I wish that you were here. I miss training with you and your affection and care. I hope we can meet again, so that I can hug you and tell you how much I missed you and all the things I learned so far. I've even managed to make friends, I'm still working on that whole thing, since I never had them before, I'll tell you more about them when we meet.'

  Although, would she approve of what I did over the past couple of years? The crimes I've committed to keep people in the Earth Kingdom safe, even having to commit those crimes against those of my kingdom. Some that no one even knows about.

  Murder, kidnaping, assault, and the list still goes on. What kind of child is even able to do that at my age?

*Normal POV*

  You wake up looking at the sky. Sitting up you feel a hand on your chest.

Katara: You should rest more, I don't think you've fully recovered.

Y/N: No it's just. I had this weird time of reflecting on life.

  You notice some tears that must have came from your eyes while you slept. Katara looked worried, bit you wiped them away and switched the subject. 

Y/N: But where are we going?

Katara: Oh, well we all decided on going on mini vacations, so we're going to the Misty Palms Oasis. I feel like you and Aang deserve a break, especially you.

Y/N: Don't you think that it's kind of a waste of time to be taking vacations in the middle of a war?

Sokka: Exactly, that's what I've been saying!

Aang: Oh come on (Y/N). Try to relax for a moment. Besides, I really think you'll  like the oasis. It's a pristine natural ice spring and I usually don't use 'pristine'. It's one of nature's wonders.

  Aang raised your expectations so now you were kinda hoping it was as good as he claimed.

  After a bit more flying, we arrived at the Oasis. Sadly, it didn't live up to anyone's expectations.

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