Untitled Part 5

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The time had come for Jonas to leave. He stood near the spot where he had appeared with everyone looking on and as excited as he was to get back to his time, he felt a tug at his heart when he glanced at Felicity. He wasn't sure why his attraction to her was so strong, or maybe he did. She was his future wife; one day they would be married. That fact still amazed him.

Cisco was typing away at his computer getting the portal ready for Jonas, so not caring what Oliver or anyone else thought, Jonas walked over to Felicity and took her hands in his with a smile. She looked at him in surprise and then seeing the look in his eyes relaxed squeezing his hands.

"I guess this is goodbye for now."

Felicity nodded, "Yes, it is. And you won't be late for your double date."

Jonas grinned but Felicity could see a sadness deep in his expression, "I know you told me that I probably won't remember anything when I return to my time, but I am hoping that my heart will remember."

Felicity caught her breath and Oliver frowned, however he didn't intervene. This was him, and the kid was about to leave. Oliver placed his hands on his hips and watched the scene unfold with narrowed eyes.

"You are going to do great things Jonas Queen. Don't forget that ok? Always have faith in yourself and listen to this." Felicity placed her hand over his heart and Jonas gently covered her hand with his and held it to his chest. He could not help himself and before he could think about what he was doing he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to Felicity's lips. She immediately pulled away and Oliver took a step forward with a growl that would have made a lion proud. John placed a hand on Oliver's arm and shook his head, indicating to just give them a moment.

Jonas did not care that Oliver was ready to rip his head off, he just stared into her beautiful blue eyes, and he released her hands keeping his eyes on her as he stepped back to the spot that would take him home.

"See you soon." Jonas's words echoed through the lair, but were spoken directly to her, as the portal opened and swallowed him up. As it closed Felicity and Cisco both let out a sigh of relief and Oliver walked over glancing at the computer screen.

"Did it work?"

Felicity turned and typed a few things on the keyboard and smiled, "Yes. Woohooo." She turned and high-fived Cisco who grinned at her.

"So, how did it feel kissing a younger Oliver Queen?"

Oliver glared at him, but Cisco was not backing down. This was too good. Oliver kissing Felicity in front of Oliver and living to tell about it. Nobody would believe this story.

Felicity looked at Oliver and her eyes softened, "It was familiar." Oliver's eyes softened as well as she looked at him and he thanked the powers that be once again that this amazing woman was his wife.

Felicity stretched and yawned and walked over taking Oliver's hand in hers. "I think we all need to go home and get some rest."

John and Lyla made their way to the elevator. "Sounds good guys. We will check back in with you later today. In the meantime, don't let anyone else come through that portal." John joked as they stepped onto the elevator, and when the elevator doors closed behind them, Cisco looked around awkwardly.

"Well umm, I am going to go to the hotel and get some sleep. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Or I guess since nobody will be here you can do whatever you want to do..........." he started to ramble, and Felicity finally said, "I will call you later Cisco."

He smiled and then walked to the elevator and as the door shut behind him, Felicity turned to Oliver and placed her hands on his cheeks.

"Wow. We survived."

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