Untitled Part 2

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Oliver quickly got on the phone and contacted John. He was driving back from A.R.G.U.S. and should be in the area. Felicity was in the process of tracking the bike and Oliver would have Dig stop him and bring him back.

Felicity let her fingers fly over the keyboard as she tracked the bike. It was heading in the direction of the mansion, so she quickly called out his location to Oliver and Oliver relayed it to Diggle.

"Thank goodness you have that tracker on Oliver's bike. If someone were to see Jonas, we could have a problem."

"Just focus on fixing the problem with the portal Cisco. We need to make sure that when we get Jonas back here that it is fixed, and we can send him back to his time." Felicity kept her focus on the bike and amazingly about an hour later Diggle came walking through pushing Jonas by the scruff of his neck. He was glaring at him and Diggle had a dazed look on his face. Felicity put the lair on lockdown and then turned to Diggle.

"Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Diggle looked Felicity and then looked at Oliver and Jonas. He still could not believe he was seeing. The man was younger and had longer hair and attitude, but it was Oliver Queen.

Oliver sighed, "Cisco and Felicity were working on the portal and it just happened to open up near me or rather younger me and he or rather I stepped through."

Diggle looked at Felicity in surprise. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know," Cisco said, "but that is what happened. Now the portal is having fluctuation issues and if we don't get him back to his time we are going to have problems."

"So, I am stuck in this place?" Jonas looked around and he seemed irritated.

"At least until we can get you back to your time." Oliver gritted the words out and Jonas glanced over at him.

"So why did I start dressing like that and when the hell did I learn to shoot a bow and arrow?" Everyone looked at Oliver in surprise at Jonas' question. How would he respond to that?

"It's a long story. One I don't want to go into right now." Oliver motioned for Diggle and they walked to the other side of the bunker as Jonas's eyes glanced over at Felicity who was working furiously on her computer. She had turned her attention to helping Cisco find out the problem with the portal.

Jonas walked over and placed his hand on her chair and leaned down, invading her personal space. Felicity turned her head slightly and looked at him. What the hell was he doing?

"So wifey, whatcha doing?"

Felicity rolled her eyes at his question and the wifey made her cringe.

"First of all, I am not your wifey, and second I am going through the code trying to find where the portal is breaking."

"Your pretty smart hu?"

"Graduated form MIT, IQ of 170, she is practically a genius and way out of your league." Cisco said the words as Oliver walked back up to the platform and he gave Cisco a glare as he looked at Jonas leaning over Felicity.

He grabbed him by the back of the shirt and jerked him back away from her. Diggle walked up behind him and asked the question that was on all their minds. "So, who is going to stay with him tonight?"

Cisco grimaced and kept working, "I am busy."

Felicity kept working too, "Me too. We are going to be here until we get this portal working again."

Oliver looked at him, "Well don't look at me. If I stay with him, I might just kill him."

Jonas looked at Oliver in surprise. "Grumpy, are we?"

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