Chapter 8

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I didn't know how long it had been when I next came to. I was feeling a bit more with it, looking around to find a way out. I was hanging upside down again, my clothes in tatters, not covering any of the places it should have. I could feel the wetness of blood on the clothes that still remained, but had no idea the extent of my injuries. All I knew was I was in pain.

A knife had been left on the table, just slightly out of reach. But I could swing if I found the strength! I worked as best I could, swinging back and forth before I finally grabbed the knife.

I used all my strength to reach up to my feet, and fought for a few seconds to unlock the chains, crashing to the ground. I groaned before scrambling to my feet and over to the desk.

"Shut your hole," I heard someone walking down the steps and rushed to the wall, slightly out of view. This was my chance, just like Arthur did, "I don't wanna go to Mexico. I wanna go home... home!"

He stepped into the room and ran forward, seeing it empty.

"What the hell?" I pounced on him before he could utter another syllable, knocking him out cold. I grabbed his gun and got ready to make my way out, praying there weren't too many of them about.

Two men walked past the opening to the cellar, so I hid in the darkness, waiting for them to pass. As soon as they did, I crouched and ran as fast as I could to a small shed where I could take cover and assess my escape route.

I didn't have weapons to collect, my horse was nowhere near where they picked me up. I needed to go on foot, and I needed to go fast.

I had no idea where I was, but I knew I needed to avoided the roads, O'Driscolls would be patrolling in case Dutch came, but I could feel my consciousness slipping quickly. I had to make it either to camp or a town, I wouldn't survive out here in this state.

But it wasn't going to happen, I knew I was too far gone to make it anywhere safe.

I stumbled along the plains, my body throbbing, my legs wobbling. I had to make it to civilisation soon, I had to! Then I could rest up and return to Dutch, warn him.

"He won't get away with this," I heard a voice, "Javier, you're sure?"

"I'm sure, I saw him leave just before I did," Javier? "He came out from the basement and rode away. Dutch, I heard her screams, I... I wanted to go in and save her then."

"I know, son, but neither of you would have got out alive," I stumbled towards the voices, feeling highly vulnerable, was I hearing things?

"Dutch, is that...?" The voices were nearer.

"Evie! Oh my lord," I felt the air as a horse skid to a stop in front of me, the thump as someone jumped off.

Something was placed over my shoulders, a coat perhaps, but I hadn't looked up. I was shaken beyond how I could explain, and I feared looking up would break this hopeful dream I was having.

"Arthur, help her up on the Count," it did sound like Dutch, "Charles, Lenny, you ride ahead and get Miss Grimshaw and Hosea prepared. Whatever is going to happen, it ain't gonna be nice."

I was lifted up onto a white horse, strong arms holding me against their chest, wrapped around me, holding the reins.

"You're safe now, Miss Bennett," the voice told me as the horse ran forward, the movement causing me to hiss in pain, "She ain't in a good way, whatever these bastards did to her."

I felt the voices fade away, darkness was drawing near.

"Stay with me, Evie," a hand was on my cheek, "Please!"

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