Chapter 2

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We rode into Valentine, Dutch kept a steady pace and made sure I was riding fine. I was surprised with how quickly I remembered all I had been taught, and he claimed I was a natural. I wasn't so sure, however, as I'd never gone beyond a trot before.

We arrived in Valentine just as Arthur was thrown out of the window by Tommy. I grimaced slightly, watching as Arthur forced himself to his feet with obvious effort. Dutch raised his eyebrows but just watched, when a figure appeared at our side.

"Mr Van der Linde," it was Trelawny, "And I don't believe we've met before."

"Mr Trelawny," Dutch glanced at me, surprised but doing a good job at hiding it, "This here is Miss Evie Bennett, she only arrived last night. I'll tell you about her later."

Trelawny regarded me with interest for a moment, before smiling and turning back to where Arthur was fighting the man twice his size.

"I see good old Arthur is busy again," he commented, an eyebrow raised.

"You know Arthur," Dutch sighed slightly, "Its a waste of breath telling him to keep his head down."

The fight was almost over when another familiar figure appeared. Thomas Downes. Then, it hit me. Maybe, if I was stuck here, I could change their fate! Maybe I could save Arthur and Dutch and everyone else, maybe I could make this thing work.

"Miss Bennett, are you alright?" Dutch asked, a hand on my shoulder, knocking me from my reverie.

"I'll tell you later, but I've had an epiphany," I said, watching as Downes intervened, pulling Arthur back from beating Tommy into a pulp.

Dutch and Trelawny walked to where Arthur was but I didn't listen to their conversation, I knew it already. Trelawny had found Sean, and Dutch would send three men to join him and save Sean.

The two of us rode back to camp, Bill behind us. Dutch lectured him the whole way about the fight he started, but I was too busy thinking to listen. Was this an opportunity I had been gifted, would I really be able to change things?

We got back and Dutch took me to his tent, beckoning Hosea over. He explained what had been going on, Hosea staring at me with confusion and interest. He opened his mouth a few times, but shut it immediately, listening to Dutch with a frown on his face.

"So, you believe this?" Hosea asked, doubt clear in his voice.

"You saw what she was wearing when she arrived, and I saw her predict the future," Dutch said, "She even knew the Count's name! Who outside this camp knows his name?"

"So, this... video game," Hosea addressed me, a small frown on his face, "It follows us? Our story?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I thought it was fiction, but it seems... maybe not. But I got to thinking, maybe... maybe I can help change what the fate of this gang is. Maybe that's why I'm here, to... to try and fix things."

"What is the fate of this gang?" Dutch asked but I shook my head. I'd seen enough movies to know where my limitations were.

"I know you don't know me, but you need to trust me," I said gently, "If I tell you, then it's out of my hands. Things will change that I can't control, this whole thing could go to hell. But if I intervene subtly, shift things to avoid the worst... maybe I can save it!"

"Well," Hosea sighed, "I'll trust your word, Dutch. If you think this is the truth, then we'll do as you say. But, I agree, keep it quiet. A girl who can tell the future could be very dangerous in the wrong hands."

"I agree," Dutch nodded, looking at me, "I'll trust you for now. I don't see much choice, but if anything goes wrong... I can't guarantee your safety."

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