It's Not So Easy To Forget - Chapter Four

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In front of me stood an incredibly hot guy, dressed in black suit and white shirt with a black tie. He looked to be in his early twenties.

"Good morning Miss, my name is Oliver and I am to be your driver for today" he said with a smile.

"Ohh, hi, I'm Bracken Woods" I said, having recovered from my shock.

He chuckled "I am aware of who you are Miss Woods, Sarah hasn't stop talking about you since she saw you the other night."

I chuckled myself "well I guess that's a good thing?"

"I guess so, seeing as you are now about to become one of England's top music artist" he smiled again and I could see I was going to like this man. "Are you ready to leave yet? We don't have much time until your appointment" he asked.

"Uhh, yeah" I said "just let me grab my coat." I quickly rushed into the kitchen, leaving the door open as I grabbed my jacket and shoved my phone and some money into the pocket.

The car ride wasn't eventful, Oliver was very gentlemanly and we just talked about the company as I got to know him.

"So have you done any other professional singing?" he asked as we got out of the car.

"Not really, I used to perform with some people but only at this one bar" I said vaguely. 

"The one you were spotted in?"


"Will they not be mad that you're going solo?" he asked, curiously.

I hadn't really thought about that. I wouldn't think the guys would be mad, they only played for fun, they wouldn't want in on any of this, would they?

Anyway, if I talked to them about any of this, they would tell Blake and I just couldn't deal with him at the moment. I don't know what's going on with him but whatever it is, he's messing with my head. I just need to get away and forget about him. Maybe that will help me move on.

"No, they won't mind" I said, quickly dismissing the idea.

As we walked into the building, I kept looking around. The place was huge with records hanging on the walls everywhere and posters in black frames of all of the bands Phoenix have produced: Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Munchies, KT Bond, Sex Pistols, Alphas, Adam Turner were just a few I noticed.

"You like?" Oliver asked as he guided me through the long corridors.

"Definitely, this is awesome!" I practically shouted.

He laughed, "yeah, it is pretty ace."

Finally, we reached what seemed to be a reception area. There was a glass desk that stood in the centre of the back wall with a woman sat behind and benches surrounding the wall to the left. Oliver walked up to the woman whilst I followed at his side.

"Sarah?" he asked. So this was Sarah, the one who had changed my life. She appeared to be about twenty three or four with short dark hair that was cut off in a tight bob just above her shoulders.

She immediately looked up as Oliver spoke, then her gaze quickly flickered to me. "Oh my, there you are! The girl that I discovered. Don't worry sweetie, it was my pleasure, I'm just so glad that I found you and as soon as I heard your voice, I knew we couldn't let your talent go to waste" she smiled widely.

"Umm... Thanks" I said, unsure.

"Of course sweetie, it's just my bit to help save the world and all" she said simply.

I looked at her, confused.

"Okay, can we go straight in? Yeah? Good, thanks Sarah" he said quickly so that she didn't have time to respond. He guided me to a room behind Sarah's desk and whispered in my ear "you just have to go with her on some things" he chuckled before reaching in front of me and opening the huge double doors...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 13, 2011 ⏰

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