It's Not So Easy To Forget - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two  


I took a deep breath to steady my voice before speaking. "What do you want?"  

"What do you mean what do I want? I want to know if you're okay, that's what I want!"  

I turned around swiftly and took two steps towards him. "YOU WANT TO KNOW IF I'M OKAY? OKAY? SINCE WHEN HAVE I BEEN OKAY PATRICK? BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL CAN'T REMEMBER!!" I practically screamed in his face.  

"Brack..." he said softly, reaching out to me.  

I pulled away from him, taking a step back. "I can't deal with this! One minute you're ignoring me, pretending like I don't even exist and then the next you want to know if I'm okay! I just can't take it anymore Blake, I just can't deal!  

"I'm sorry, I just... it's just... You know we can't be together Bracken..."  

"It's hard not to, you make sure to tell me practically every time you decide it's okay to talk to me. Why do you even bother?" I said bitterly. He just looked at the floor. The only sounds were of music and chatter coming from the bar.  

"Why do you even care?" I said quietly, my voice breaking.  

His head shot up. "How can you ask me that? Of course I care, you know I care!" he said, his voice becoming stronger now.  

"Don't lie to me Patrick" I said before turning around and slowly walking away from him, hoping and praying for him to stop me, to tell me that I was wrong, that he did care, it never happened though and just like that he let me walk away, again.


Once I was out of the back door of the bar, I started to run. God, why did I have to make such of a fool of myself? I knew he didn't want me; he'd told me so many times, I was just a little kid. Only seventeen years old, still in 6th Form, I was basically a child compared to him, the hottest guy in town, and the badass mechanic musician. He actually had a life, a job, friends, as many girls as he wanted just hanging at his finger tips. He could have any one, why would he want me? His little brother's old girlfriend... Why would he want that?  

I ran down the street towards my house, stumbling and just letting the tears fall down my face. I couldn't be bothered anymore, I couldn't care. After a good few minutes of stumbling across the road, unable to see anything as the tears fogged my view, I eventually managed to shove my key into the lock and fall through the doorway. I tried to run straight up the stairs and into my room, avoiding my parents who were probably in the living room but a voice on the landing stopped me.  

"Bracken? Is that you?" My brother's voice stopped me in my tracks as he walked over from his room to where I was stood, trying to get a better look as I hadn't turned the landing light on and the room was pitch black apart from the small echo of light coming through the windows from the street lights outside. I tried to hide my face, to hide the tears, unsuccessfully if his next question was any indication. "What's wrong?" he asked softy. I didn't answer so he took a step closer "turn around" he demanded. I gave up trying to shield my face and just obeyed him.  

"Yes?" I asked bitterly.  

"Who the hell made you cry? Whoever it was I'll kill them!" he said angrily.  

"No Jak, you won't. Its fine, it's over now and it won't be happening again! It's over!" I practically shouted before marching into my bedroom and shutting the door behind me trying not to attract the attention of my parents. That was the last thing I needed right now.  

I lay on my bed and cried myself to sleep only to be woken a few hours later by my phone going off. I groggily reached over and scooped it from my bedside table, not bothering to check the number first.  

"Hello, is this Bracken Woods?" I perky voice inquired.  

"Uhh, yeah" I said, still half asleep.  

"Well my name is Sarah and I work for Phoenix Records. I'm not sure if you've heard of us but I was in a small bar in Oxfordshire the other night and I happened to hear you playing, I discussed it with my boss and we have decided we would love to sign you! What do you say?"

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