the sun.

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                  "It is time for dinner now, Your Highness," A butler speaks from the opposite side of the wooden door. His voice was timid, or at least much more than when he was speaking to other palace staff - especially you. You knew this butler to be the head of the East Wing in this place and to go by the name of Richard, and despite barely even being here for a day you could already tell how demanding he was despite his position.

                  "Am I eating dinner with the Agnes family?" Bastiaan questions from inside the guest quarters that he was now remaining in, sat at the small desk and drumming his fingers at a sweet tempo.

                  "I'm afraid not, they dearly apologise for not being able to have dinner with you. The reason to their absence is the fact they have some private manners to discuss and so, will be having dinner fairly late into the evening. They don't wish to make their guest wait, especially since you skipped out on lunch," The butler responds, trying his best to keep his voice at a good enough volume to be heard.

                  "It was for a good reason," Bastiaan points out, his fingers halting on the wooden table as his dark gaze wandered over to the large window view he had been provided with. The sky was nearly as dark as his own orbs, as night was slowly taking over the kingdom of Trodour.

                  "Pardon me Prince Bastiaan, but I can't help but wonder why you seem to have quite the attachment to that handmaiden? I would have thought that spending time with Princess Agnes during lunch would have been your priority rather than waltzing into the maid quarters to ensure your handmaiden was being fed well," Richard questions, his curiosity getting the better of him and overpowering the intimidation he felt for Bastiaan.

                  "It is none of your business. It is only because I decided to only bring my handmaiden with me, rather than an army of butlers and maids or what not from Ophnosleanade. After all, they always cause such a fuss," Bastiaan replies, his voice growing to express he was slightly irritated at this point.

                  "If you wish, the palace staff here could fulfill all their duties. After all, Princess Odile insisted that we look after you during your stay here," The butler responds, his voice now growing quieter just by the slight change in tone he had heard from the prince.

                  "There is no need for that. I will have my handmaiden fulfilling all their duties," Bastiaan insists,

                  "How is that possible? That's quite a lot of-"

                  "It is nothing for you to worry yourself over. I want you to bring my handmaiden here, along with our dinner. I will be having dinner in private with her," Bastiaan demands, one leg now folding over the other as he sat on the leather chair, his ever unamused expression on his face.

                  The butler sighs, knowing it no use to argue with the stubborn prince. It seemed that there was no way he would listen to anybody except himself or his father. "Very well then," Richard replies before scurrying away as usual to inform the servants of where to take the dinner before making his way to summon you to Bastiaan's private quarters.

                  The middle-aged butler makes his way down the long corridor once again, the maids now less in number due to it being evening, yet still standing out of his way to let him through. After all, he could fire them at any time he wished to.

                  Richard now walks with a confident stride in his stature, only to stop as though he was a man of notable cause, dressed in the gazes of the maids that were inclined to notice his more high-ranking presence. He stands there for a moment, enjoying the attention of the young women, as this was the only way for a middle-aged man such as himself to even get women to give his presence a second thought.

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