chapter seven - lexie

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I groaned as the alarm went off, effectively waking me up. I turned it off and sat up. Spencer was still in my bed. His eyes fluttered open.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He asked sleepily, throwing the blanket off his bare chest.

"6:15." I yawned. "I have to be at work at 7." I rubbed my eye. Waking up early never got easier for me. Especially when I was an inter. Just the thought of getting up for pre-rounds made me shudder.

"Not a morning person?" Spencer teased. He already looked wide awake, amazingly.

I shook my head. "You are?" I said, yawning again.

"I have to be. Murders happen at night." He stood up, throwing on his pants from the night before.

I rolled out of bed and stretched. "I-I have to take a shower." I looked at Spencer, shirtless, his hair messy. "You want to come?"

He blushed. "Um, yeah." I laughed at his awkwardness. He was adorable. Different from Mark, but in a good way. I loved the way he was. I dragged him into the bathroom, locking the door.


After the shower, he stood behind me as I brushed my teeth, examining the different things on the counter.

"You share this bathroom?" He asked, picking up a stick of deodorant. I stared at him in the mirror. His hair was still wet. Hot.

"Yeah. With Alex. There's only one between us." I grabbed the deodorant from his hand and stuck it under my shirt, my toothbrush still in my mouth.

"One of the downsides of a group home." He opened the cabinets and kneeled down. "Are those-"

"Condoms. Yeah." I giggled. "We practice safe sex here."

"It's like- like a glorified frat house." He kept digging through the cabinets. It was weird, but kind of cute. I didn't mind. There was nothing in there to hide.

"And- I don't mind sharing a bathroom. I had a sister growing up, you know." I spit in the sink and rinsed my mouth out with water.

He grabbed a toothbrush from the cabinet. "Are these disposable toothbrushes?"

I nodded, putting mine back in the cup. "Yeah. Alex brings a new girls home like every day, remember? I didn't want them using my toothbrush on accident."

"That's pretty smart," he remarked, shutting the cabinets.

"I'm a smart girl." I said playfully, grabbing his hand. The butterflies came back as I looked up at him. This was just a one night stand. I couldn't get attached. But it was hard not to. I felt like I could easily spend the rest of my life with him.

Woah... I can't be thinking things like that.

"You okay?" He asked, staring at me in concern.

I snapped back to reality. "Yeah, just... Come on. Come with me. Let's eat."

He nodded. "I'm starving."

We walked to the kitchen again, but this time he seemed a lot more comfortable around my friends. That was nice. I wanted him to be comfortable. I wanted my family to accept him.

He sat down at the breakfast bar in the same spot as last night, and I sat next to him. Derek was making pancakes. As usual.

"Hey! I made enough for you. I thought you would be staying the night."

Spencer smiled, and my insides fluttered again. "Yeah, that's great, thank you."

He slid two plates in front of us, each with two pancakes.

"Lexie, you've gotta go in 10 minutes. You've got rounds." Meredith shouted from the living room.

I shoved down the pancakes, eating as quickly as I could. Spencer did the same. Derek slid two cups in front of us, filled with orange juice. He chugged his glass quickly.

"Let's go." I pushed the plate away. "I'll drive you, Spencer."

"Okay," he said, his mouth full. I grinned. He really was cute. I led him to my car, and he sat in the passenger seat, putting on his seatbelt. He fixed his damp hair in the mirror, and I smiled at him, starting the car.

"What?" He asked, defensive.

"Nothing, you're just adorable." I pulled out of the driveway. "Did your friends call you? Is-Derek? Is he okay?"

"Uh, they haven't called me, no. But that's a good thing. In the FBI, we only call if we have new information. So it means he's okay."

"That's smart." I nodded. "I'm glad. I'm glad he's okay."

"When do- when is he going to be discharged, do you think?" He fiddled with his watch.

"Uh, I'm not sure. Maybe... today? Tomorrow?"

"I-I hope tomorrow." Spencer said quietly. "Is that wrong? To wish my friend was worse so I could stay?"

I stared out the window, turning the wheel. "Yep. You're a horrible, horrible person."

He laughed. I turned on the radio and cracked opened a window. It had rained a couple days ago, so the trees were green, and the air was still crisp. I loved that about Seattle. I liked the rain, but the weather after... that was the best part.

"Seattle's nice." He stared out his side at the trees.

I nodded. "Yeah. Rains a lot, though." I grinned as I looked at him, his head bobbing to the music. I turned it up and grinned, singing along. Spencer joined in, awkwardly. I laughed, throwing my head back. It was the most fun I've had in months, ever since George died. We used to do stuff like this. I giggled, trying to catch my breath.

Spencer was laughing too, harder than I've seen him. He looked happy. And I realized... I wanted to keep him that way... forever. I wanted to do stuff like this with him... forever. My heart twinged with pain again, realizing I would have to say goodbye sometime soon.

I pulled into the hospital, turning off the radio.

"I'll take you to your friend's room." I said, opening the car door and stepping out into the lot.

"Yeah." He offered his hand. "Take me."

Special Stranger - (Lexie Grey x Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now