chapter one - lexie

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I stood outside the hospital doors, tying back my soft, recently bleached blond hair. I was still kind of getting used to it, but, change was good. Right?

Dr. Bailey had said there was a major trauma 5 minutes out. Gunshot wounds. Meredith and Jackson were beside me, tying each other's gowns.

The chief came up behind us and waved me over.

"Tell Grey and Avery it's a VIP." He said quietly.

"VIP? Why?" I asked, confused.

"FBI. Make sure they don't die, please." His pager beeped, and he walked away, glancing back at me.

I hurried back to the ambulance bay, taking a deep breath.

"What did he say?" Meredith asked.

"The patient's an FBI agent, apparently. He said it's VIP." I could start to hear the sirens coming closer and closer.

"FBI? Sick," Jackson said, snapping on his gloves.

The ambulance screeched in front of the hospital and the doors blew open. "35 year old male, G.S.W to the right upper chest, one in the lower abdomen. One unit of blood, two units of packed cells." The paramedics pulled the gurney on the ground, applying pressure to the would.

"I'm Dr. Grey. You're going to be okay. What's your name?" Meredith took over holding pressure, walking with the gurney towards the ER.

"Morgan. Derek Morgan." He said, out of breath. "I should've worn my vest. I knew it."

"You're going to be fine. We got you." Jackson reassured him. Just then a black SUV speeded into the lot, and 4 people came out, two wearing FBI bulletproof vests, the others wearing a suit and a sweater vest set. Like a schoolboy. Huh.

"Lexie, go. We got it." Meredith pointed towards the people with her chin. I nodded and walked to them, extending my hand like a professional. The man wearing a suit shook it. He must be the leader.

"I'm Dr. Grey. He's going to be okay." I hesitated. "You guys are FBI?"

"Yeah. I'm Agent Hotchner, and these are Agents Prentiss, Jareau, and Reid." Suit Guy pointed to the dark haired woman and the pretty blonde one with the bulletproof vests, then the skinny awkward one, who was fidgeting with his sweater.

"Doctor," he said. He waved at me. "Dr. Spencer Reid."

"Lexie Grey." He was kind of adorable, in a nerdy kind of way. He looked a lot younger than the other agents. Maybe he was some kind of prodigy, or something.

"Come with me," I said. I led them into the ER the to the trauma room their friend was in. The door was shut, but the blinds were up, so they could see what was happening. "Usually I wouldn't let you watch, but you guys probably see stuff like this all the time, so..."

They stood in silence as the doctors worked on Agent Morgan. They looked like they really cared about him. Like he was more than just someone they worked with. Dr. Hunt came out, a solemn expression on his face.

"How is he?" The Suit Guy - Agent Hotchner - asked.

"We've stopped the bleeding in his shoulder, but he's going to need surgery for the one in is stomach. The bullet it still in there somewhere, and he's bleeding internally. But he's doing very good. He's strong." Dr. Hunt said. "I'm Owen Hunt, head of trauma, by the way."

"Agent Hotchner." They shook. Alpha males.

Owen looked at me as Meredith and Jackson wheeled Agent Moran our of the trauma room and towards the elevator. "Grey, take them to the waiting room, would you?"

I nodded, but then Derek and Mark came down to the ER, smiling.

"We heard there was a VIP," Derek looked the Agents up and down. "FBI. That's cool."

"We're with the BAU." The dark haired one said. I think it was Prentiss, but I wasn't sure.

"Even cooler." Mark bellowed. "Mark Sloan, head of plastics."

I averted my gaze, stepping back while they made small talk, Derek and Mark basically fangirling over the agents.

The nerdy one, Spencer, looked between me and Mark, like he was figuring something out. I giggled.

"Are you analyzing me?" I asked, looking up at him.

His eyes widened. "Uh-no, I- It's just the way you look at him, I-" He turned to look at me. "You two were involved? I can tell."

I sighed. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Your body language. You seemed completely natural with those other doctors, especially the one- the woman. She's your sister?"

I smirked. "We have the same last name. Anyone could have figured that out."

He grinned. "Fine. But the doctor, Mark? He made you tense up, and you backed away."

"We had a thing. Sure." I shrugged.

"But it- it was more than a thing, right?"

I squinted at him. "You're good, huh?." The pit was dead, and I liked this guy. The rest of the agents were already walking to the waiting room, led by Derek and Mark, so I sat down next to him on an empty ER bed, a couple of inches between us.

Spencer sat down next to me. He looked the most relaxed now than he did since he got here.

"Is this allowed? Aren't you at work?"

I laughed. "It's dead, besides your friend. If they need me in the OR, they'll page me. But they won't."

He nodded.

"You're young compared to those other agents," I mused casually, swinging my legs.

"I graduated high school when I was 12."

My eyes widened. "What? How?"

"I have an eidetic memory. And I didn't have many friends, and I didn't play any sports." He blushed, like he was embarrassed about it.

"Eidetic..." I smiled. "I have a photographic memory."

"Yeah, you looked young compared to your-uh, your peers, as well. Did you skip a few grades?"

"Third. FBI sounds cool."

"Surgeon sounds cool." He grinned at me, then looked around. "This is one of the most prestigious teaching hospitals in the country. You must be amazing."

"I grew up here. Like 30 minutes away." I glanced up at him. "How about you?"

"No, our headquarters are located in Virginia." He said, fiddling with his watch.

"Huh. What are you doing here?" I hesitated. "I can't ask, right? Classified?"

He nodded.

"Can I at least ask if you caught whoever you were looking for?"

"We got him."

My pager beeped, and I sighed. "I gotta go." I stood up and looked down at him. "I'll, uh, talk to you later?"

Spencer nodded, smiling.

Special Stranger - (Lexie Grey x Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now