Chapter- 16

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't …

Happy reading….

Third person p.o.v


Mannat sits on the couch, her face etched with grief and exhaustion. The room is filled with an eerie silence. Suddenly, her phone vibrates on the table next to her. She picks it up to see "Omar" flashing on the screen. Taking a deep breath, she answers the call.


Walekum assalam Mannat, it's Omar. How are you holding up?

Mannat's voice trembles as tears fill her eyes. She struggles to find the right words.

Omar, I... I don't even know. It's been so hard.

I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm truly sorry, Mannat.

(voice breaking)
Thank you, Omar. It means a lot to know you're here for me.

Of course, Mannat. You're not alone in this. We're all here for you, whatever you need.

Mannat takes a deep breath, attempting to hold back her tears.

Her death... it was so sudden, Omar. She was so young. I can't believe she's gone.

I know, Mannat, it's devastating. Life can be so unpredictable.

Mannat's voice grows quieter, almost a whisper.

And... and with the wedding... Everything was supposed to be perfect. She was so excited for us.

I know, Mannat. I can't even fathom the weight of this loss on such a joyous day.

Mannat manages to compose herself slightly.

We had to postpone the wedding, Omar. It just didn't feel right celebrating in the midst of our grief.

, I completely understand. Our families will get through this together. And when the time is right, we'll celebrate your sister's life in the most beautiful way.

A moment of silence fills the airwaves. Mannat finds solace in Omar's words, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

Thank you, Omar. Your support means everything to me.

Anything for you, Mannat. We'll take all the time you need. I'm here, always.

Mannat closes her eyes, feeling a cascade of emotions wash over her. Even in her despair, she can envision a future where love and healing triumphs.


Zara, a determined and caring mother, sits on a plush couch while her son, Zunaid, paces back and forth, clearly agitated. In the middle of the room, Zuniad's adorable one-year-old daughter, Zubi, plays with her toys, oblivious to the tension surrounding her.

Zara watches Zunaid's anxious movements, her face filled with concern.

" Zunaid, please sit down and listen to me. We need to talk about Zubi's future."

Zunaid reluctantly stops pacing and lowers himself onto a chair, his frustration evident.

" You know how important it is for Zubi to have stability in her life. She needs a mother, Zunaid. A female influence to guide her " Zara pleated

He interrupted " I understand, mom, but I can't just marry Mannat out of obligation. It's not fair for her because I will never love her"

Zara's eyes soften, and she reaches out to place a comforting hand on her son's.

" I want you to be happy, Zunaid, but we need to think about what's best for Zubi. She deserves a nurturing environment, a family that can fill all the gaps in her life."

Zunaid pulls away, a flicker of anger crossing his face.

" This is suffocating, mom! You can't expect me to simply accept any woman into our lives just because Zubi needs a mother. I won't compromise my own happiness for that." He stood up gritting out .

Zara's eyes glisten with tears as she tries to find the right words.

" Is there any happiness left in you Zunaid?  look at you , it feels like you are just breathing .I just want you to consider the possibility of building a future with someone who can love Zubi like her own" Zara tried to make him understand .

Zunaid shakes his head, his tone filled with determination.

" There has to be another way, Amma. I won't marry a woman I don't love. Mannat doesn't deserve this " he shook his head determinedly .

Zara's face falls, disappointment evident, but she doesn't give up.

" Zunaid, I understand your hesitation, but sometimes love grows with time. Give Mannat a chance. She's a kind, compassionate woman who genuinely cares for Zubi. Don't you think she deserves an opportunity to show you what she's capable of?" She said with conviction " after you go to London, who will take care of Zubi when you are at work ? Will you be able to give her a normal childhood ?"

Zunaid remains silent, contemplating his mother's words. His eyes shift between Zubi and Zara, internally torn between his desire to stay alone  and the need to provide a stable environment for his daughter.

Zara, hopeful, waits for Zunaid's response. The air in the room grows heavy with uncertainty.

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