chapter 31

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading

Mannat p.o.v

Wearing my hijab properly I tiptoe with an umbrella in my hand knowing very well that my parents are asleep and this must be an intruder .

" But wait -" I stopped in my tracks, scared .

" But what if he attacks me? " I gasp, covering my mouth .

" Come on Mannat , you are a strong girl , you can kick his head " I motivated myself " but will my leg reach his head ?" I wondered but then again I heard some noise .

I shake my head " Focus Mannat , Focus "

I ran toward the intruder and was about to hit his head " STOP!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and held the umbrella from his right hand while the other one was busy holding its plate .

The light turns on and my eyes widen at the familiar face .

" You?" I yelled blinking " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING AT MY HOUSE AND AT THIS LATE " I shouted without realising the cringe volume of my voice .

" Damn women my ear is bleeding " Omar rubs his ear and puts the plate aside .

" Do you both realise the time? " my mother casually said, like seeing Omar at midnight in the kitchen was one of the most usual things in her everyday life .

" Mom ! What is he doing here? " I shouted, confused .

" Don't shout at me, women " my mother scolded.

" That's what I am trying to tell her " Omar mutters while leaning on the counter.

" Your dad invited him to stay with us for a few days , a week ago . His house caught fire . Since it's renovating again , we offer him to stay with us instead at the hotel, " my mother informed me.

" Oh okay…"

" Omar your food is in the oven please stop playing with my plates and you " she pointed at me " Go back to sleep it's late "

I nodded , she walked away .

I was about to walk away when Omar in jet speed stood in front of me " Why are you here ?" His voice held seriousness .

" Just because my family let you stay here doesn't mean it's not my house anymore " I know what he was asking but I would rather avoid it .

" Mannat , nor you are a kid and neither I am an idiot "

He took a step closer and I quickly stepped back. " Did you fight with Zunaid ?" My eyes widened at his question .

How does he know ….

He gave me one of those looks which say , I have your school result and you failed but tell me why ….

" I - '' I open my mouth like a fish feeling off guard .

" One minute whatever happens between me and my husband is none of your concern " I snap realising not realising how rude I was ….

Passing him , I was about to walk away when his word stop my leg " Did I made a mistake ? Giving up on you ?"

I blink back the tears that were ready to fell " Doesn't matter anymore Omar " I walk away with something piercing my heart.

Omar p.o.v

As I gazed across the  room, my heart sank. Mannat, radiant and beautiful, but not as she once was. She was now married to Zunaid, a man who seemed to possess little understanding of her worth. Regret immediately washed over me, consuming me in its relentless grip.

I cannot help but think back to the moments when Mannat and I were supposed to get married .But life had a way of throwing obstacles in our path, and I foolishly succumbed to the pressure. I made the painful decision to let her go, believing it was for her own happiness.

In the beginning, it seemed as though Zunaid could offer Mannat a love she deserved. He appeared charming and kind, a man who held the promise of a brighter future for her. But I soon discovered that appearances can be deceiving. Zunaid's true colors emerged over time, and they were far from the loving hues I had hoped for Mannat.

She had fallen into a trap of emotional neglect, enduring a loveless marriage that was slowly eroding her spirit.

As thoughts of her fill my mind, it becomes agonizingly clear that I had relinquished the love of my life to the clutches of an undeserving man. I allowed my fear, my doubt, and my misguided sense of sacrifice to cloud my judgment, and now it feels as though I am drowning in a sea of remorse.

But dwelling on the past will not change my current reality. Mannat's happiness is paramount, even if it means enduring the unbearable pain of seeing her in distress. I must accept that she has made her own choices and pray that one day, she finds the strength to untether herself from the chains that bind her.

But I need to do something…. I cannot sit back .

Zunaid has to realise Mannat's worth ….


What do you think Omar is going to do ??

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