ch 10

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The next day as Tamaki and I entered class Nejire walked up to us and started some small conversations.

Tamaki still didn't seem to be entirely comfortable with her but he is trying. It's not good for him to only talk with Mirio and I after all. So with a small wave I leave them to talk and head to my seat.

" You got first yesterday in the exam, right." The white-haired guy asked me. What was his name again? Seiji Ryo I think.

" Correct Ryo-san" I answer and he beams.

" That's amazing! Your quirk is so cool!" He tells me and I blush.

" I'm grateful. Yours is nothing to laugh at either" I reply a soft smile gracing my features.

" I guess you losers did alright" A voice speaks up and I turn to see the black-haired boy. Tatsuya Wasaki.

" How vulgar" Ryo speaks and Wasaki sneers at him.

" I do remember beating you yesterday" I say and Wasaki smirks at me. He takes a few steps closer to me and smirks. I return the challenging gaze he gives me until he gets an inch away from my face.

" Maybe not all the girls here aren't simpering idiots" He states and his fingers brush up against my cheek. I fail at fighting back the blush from my face.

I've always blushed easily. No matter how small the compliment I turn bright red.

" Maybe all the guys here spineless" I smirk back despite my blush. Wasaki's golden eyes widen in shock and amusement. He chuckles and turns away, not before letting his fingers fly through my hair lifting it and then letting it go in the air as we walked away.

" Are you alright" Ryo asks and I put my head in between my arms.

" Kill me now" I say simply and Ryo stiffens before shaking himself.

" Miyu" Tamaki states walking over to me. He sends a glance to Wasaki and then back to me.

" It's not the first time and certainly not the last Tamaki. I'm be fine" I say and Tamaki relaxes.

" Well, you can't blame the guys. You're gorgeous." Nejire states bluntly and that does nothing to relieve my blush.

" Thank you. You actually give off more of a cute vibe" I respond and Nejire smiles.

Classes started after that, but unlike yesterday I was over the shock and was completely fangirling.

I've already fangirled over Mic and he was amazing. He taught English.

Cementoss was next teaching us modern literature. His Quirk allows him to manipulate any cement-based material that he touches, allowing him to deform the object into various shapes and sizes, changing its appearance. I wonder if he has a time limit. His quirk resembles mine in the form of creation but besides that it allows him to control less than mine.

Midnight was next. She taught art class. Her Quirk allows her to put nearby people to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from her body. It's been confirmed that her Quirk works better on males than females. I wonder if she has a limit to how much gas he can make. What factors affect her quirk.

Ectoplasm taught math next. Ectoplasm's Quirk gives him the ability to produce streams of ectoplasm from his mouth and transform it into clones of himself. He can create as many as thirty clones at once, though, it is possible for him to push his limit to thirty-six on a good day. He can also produce a single giant clone of himself, although this sacrifices his ability to produce normal-sized ones for the time being.

Lastly of course there was our heroics teacher, who ended up being Aizawa. Eraserhead. As an underground hero, I don't know much about him. His quirk allows him to nullify to the quirks of others. He has to maintain eye contact and it's gives him dry eyes. Does it work on mutant quirks? It would be weird.

The astral hero: YuiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin