chapter 15

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*le sigh* i dont owwwnnn thhiiisss~~~~

Chapter 15.

14 February 1993.

There's a sketch of muscle going in his cheek. Both his lips and eyes twitched in irritation. His jaw set in a barely controlled turmoil of frustration.

It had been a very bad day. Yes, a very bad day. And it had all transpired from the time, Harry first woke up to this present moment. The source of it was none other than Gilderoy Lockhart. When Harry first roused from his sleep, he found himself shrouded in a pile of love letters and chocolates. Two of his roommates, Jason Spum and Frank Birke, had spread all of it out on his bed, laughing at his reaction for obtaining so many gifts from his admirers. They shrewdly hastened out of the dormitory when Harry directed his lethal glare to them.

As Harry sauntered to the Great Hall, he was forced to take a different route to elude his fan girls. In their hands, they clutched letters and chocolates all meant for him. Later on, of course, it was revealed that Lockhart had kick-started this whole process by publicly announcing a Happy Valentine's Day to all students. The only other person who shared his disgust was Daphne, who was greatly enticed by the thought of cursing Lockhart to the next dimension. She had her own adventure with her peers earlier in the morning and their other three friends were overcome with giggles at hearing their little tale. They thought the day was turning out to be quite amusing.

Despite their assumptions, they too began getting more and more vexed as the day went on.

Most of their own admirers from their own houses thought it was the perfect opportunity to express their feelings. It was later discovered that a flock of owls, coming from the Owlery, harassed three Hufflepuff boys in a flurry of beating wings and pecking beaks. The assault was led by a red irate owl that reportedly belonged to a certain Hufflepuff. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were also taken to the infirmary for the injuries they acquired - a few parts of their body had been transfigured into various pieces of furniture. And four Ravenclaws found themselves trapped in empty classroom with no knowledge of how to free themselves due to the multitude of charms that had been cleverly placed on the door. Someone had to summon Professor Flitwick to undo the web of magic.

So for the rest of the day, Harry and the girls barricaded themselves in the library, seeking protection from Madam Pince. She was not exactly fond of noise in her precious library, and she would be sure to kick out anyone who made any sort of commotion regardless of who or what they were.

"Oy, you! 'Arry Potter!" shouted a particularly grim-looking dwarf. Behind him was a horde of other dwarves, apparently elbowing each other to get to Harry as well. Madam Pince bristled when they overlooked her presence, and Harry smiled grimly the look on his face signifying that pain was soon to be dealt out. The dwarves were oblivious to this, but the girls were wary, knowing that he would soon be on the brink of explosion.

Harry raised a finger to shush the little dwarf before he could say a word. Harry's cool composure turned to ice as he presented them with his furious glare that might disintegrate them if it viable. "You've got three seconds to get out of my sight, dwarf, and that includes the rest of your little group...or I'll introduce all of you to a world of pain," Harry hissed. "I'm not clowning around. One..." The first count was sufficient to send the dwarves scuttling frightfully for their lives. "Pitiful, the lot of them. To think they were once a powerful being back in the elder days, feared by most magical creatures... Now look at them, they've been reduced to some sort messenger..." Harry murmured mostly to himself.

The girls chose not to comment as they readied their notes in preparation for O.W.L review. Nibbling her bottom lip, Callista exhaled noisily, attaining her friends' attention. "I have a confession to make."

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