chapter 12

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hi again sorry for being late and again i don't own harry potter or this fic

Chapter 12.

12 September 1992.

Harry and his companions were all gathered in the library at their usual table. All Professors did an excellent job of handing the students a lot of work, even if it was only the second week of the semester. Harry, however, felt more like complaining about something else. The girls completely ignored this as they had been enduring his complaints for the past two weeks. Harry's constant grumbling about his recent fame and the fans who flocked to him, was getting on their nerves.

"Potter, for the last time, stop carping about your fame." Daphne was struggling exceedingly hard to read her book. "If you don't shut it, I'll hex you. Don't tempt me. I swear I'll do it!"

Harry banged his head on the table and the girls winced. "But what am I supposed to do? Come on, you girls! Help me here. I'm in a crisis and I'm desperate. I haven't had a day without anyone asking for my autograph. There's no peace in Hogwarts for me, not in the common room, library, or our private place by the lake!"

"For the last time, Harry..." Regine began exasperatedly.

"We don't know!" the girls voiced in unison.

Harry brooded at their response. "Fine then! Don't help me. Am I the only one who cherishes four years of beautiful friendship? Glad to know it means something to you girls."

"Oh Harry, you're being dramatic." Callista leaned closer to Regine, presenting her parchment to her friend. "Regine, would you mind checking my Herbology work?"

"Sure, why not."

"I am not..." Harry scoffed, scowling. The girls hoisted their heads up at him with challenging looks, evidently not believing his words. "Okay, fine! I guess I am being dramatic but I blame Sheila for giving me her disease!"

"Hey!" the Gryffindor girl exclaimed in a low tone. "I'm not the one who keeps whining about fame." Tongue cutely poking out of the corner of her mouth, she focused on her parchment once more. She had been working on it for the last hour.

"Look, Potter, why don't you just finish your work? That way, your mind will be on something else and not your silly problem." Fully engrossed in her book, Daphne didn't bother to look up. A furious scowl etched onto her beautiful face.

"No, I won't do it unless you girls give me some advice concerning this predicament I'm in," Harry said stubbornly. "Or solve it for me!"

The girls heaved a faint sigh. Now they were dealing with a childish Harry. They swear they spoiled him too much for his own good.

"Harry, if you keep doing this, you're just going to cause us even more trouble," chided Regine.

"Trouble?" Harry said rhetorically with incredulous look on his face. "How the hell did I cause you girls trouble? You girls are exaggerating."

"Yes, no trouble at all," Callista grumbled, shooting him a glare. "What would you call the event that occurred in our Charms lesson?"

"I mean, don't they have a life to get on with?" Harry interlocked his fingers together and rested his hands on the table. "They're like a flock of stubborn geese that keep coming after me, all for the sake of my autograph. How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"I don't know, Harry..." Callista tucked her hair behind her left ear, wearing a rare a scowl on her face. They were both in Charms together, just like all of their previous years at Hogwarts. Callista was furiously scribbling notes, trying to take in everything Professor Flitwick was saying, but with Harry at her side constantly cursing his fame, it was quite a difficult task for her.

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