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I was at home. I looked at the time and it was 5 in the morning. I yawned and got up. It was still a little dark outside but I didn't mind. I stood on the balcony and saw as the sun raised in the sky. It was beautiful.

I finally left the balcony and smelt bacon. My mouth watered as I went in the kitchen. I found Michael and Sebastain in there.

Wait Sebastain?! I did a double take and looked at Michael who who humming and sitting on the chair drinking coffee.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Sebastain. "Its 5:30." I finished looking at the clock. He shurgged.

"I brang your car here."

"How are you getting home?" I asked.

"We're going to the same place are we not?" He asked with a raise eyebrow.

"Oh.. Yeah." I said. I went to the stove and turned it off, getting a bacon while doing so. I ate it while making myself some coffee.

"Want?" I asked Sebastain.

"Nah. I went to Tim Whatever and got some." He said.

"You mean Tim Hortons?" I asked amused.

"Yeah that guy." He replied.

"Alright lets go." He said and got up. I nodded and kissed Michael's cheek.

"I'll call you." I said. He nodded and drank his coffee.

We went to my car and I got in.

Sebastain then took out a cigarette and lit it up.

"You smoke?" I asked suprised.

I stopped at a red light. I hate this one! I mean it gives the other side 25 seconds and us 15 seconds!

"Yeah. Do you?" He asked.

"Nope." I said looking at it curiously.

"Wanna try it?" He pushed it my way. Hmm.. Should I?

"Sure." I mean you only live once right?

I took it and then put it at my lips. I took a drag of it and then coughed.

"You aren't supposed to swallow it!" He said rolling his eyes.

"Its my first time!" I argued driving when the car behind me beeped.

"Try again but don't, I repeat, don't swallow!"

I nodded and took it. I took it and put it on my lips again. I took a drag and did not swallow. I blew out the smoke and grinned that I didn't cough.

He laughed.

"What?" I said giving him it.

"You look like a 4 year old fat kid whose parents told him hes going to Willy Wonkas Chocalate factory."

I laughed. "What can I say? I'm pretty darn proud I didn't cough out my lungs."

"Reminds me of me when I had my first cigarette." He said taking a drag. "But I coughed for 2 days. Should've seen my face when I finally got it right."

I laughed at that because somewhere in my mind, I could picture a little fat Sebastain with a big grin and no teeth in the front of his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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