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Your POV

I didn't want to get off my bed this morning, no matter how old and horrible it felt, it was my nly form of comfort in this place. It reminded me of those last minutes right before sleep when I was snuggled up to Maui and Pearl. The world was quiet and I wasn't needing to think of all that was happening. I was warm and unharmed, going off into my own little dream, whereas here I'm cold and my body aches with every movement, and I can hardly shut my eyes without having a vision of my captor.

I hear my door open once again, and I don't even peek my eyes open to see who it is, because i already knew. It was Lazlo, coming to give me my breakfast, the stale bread and old apple with strange tasting water. I heard the clunking of his metal boots hit the floor as he stepped towards my bed. My body didn't even flinch, I was used to him waking me up early in the morning with food. Yet I stayed in the position I was in, no reaction what so ever. I didn't greet him or question the amazing smell of pancakes coming from-

Wait.. why do I smell pancakes?

I opened my eyes to see Lazlo holding a tray of pancakes, even if it was only one of the delicious circles. I sat up immediately and took the tray, beginning to scarf down the food. when I finished eating, I looked at Lazlo for the first time that morning. And it was different than usual.

His belt didn't contain a sword and he had his helmet off, revealing his curly, blond hair. Without the helmet, I could clearly see his bright red eyes that had the slightest trace of orange in them. But he still kept that same, numb expression that is always slightly visible behind his mask. I was stunned and confused and happy all at once.

"What's the occasion?" I asked suspiciously. Lazlo took the tray from me and placed it on the floor.

"Just... felt like you needed to be, I dunno... cheered up a bit..?" Lazlo answered numbly. I showed a slight grin and sat up, facing him.

"Well, you succeeded. Even if it was just a little bit." I responded quietly, then hissed in pain from my wrist hitting the bed oddly. I brought it up to my chest and kept myself from touching it, bearing the few several seconds of pain that ensued. Lazlo reached to help before we heard Zhuvito yell from the distance. 

"LAZLO! I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE! NOW!" Lazlo gave me a look saying 'really sorry', threw on his helmet, and ran to Zhuvito. I was left with a tiny smile, turning into a numb expression as I laid my head against the wall.

Xisuma POV

I woke up at my desk, face scrunched up in a pile of papers filled with notes from multiple books and articles I had been reading the night before. My helmet was tossed lazily on the floor next to me, which was also covered in sticky notes and notebook paper. I rubbed my eyes and leaned back on my chair, which I nearly fell out of when I opened my eyes again.

EX was standing behind me, holding a book with several bits of paper sticking out the edges.

"Thanks for the wake up scare.." I remarked as my brother smiled through his visor.

"Your welcome. Now, are you done napping until at ungodly hours of the day so I can FINALLY tell you important things?" EX sneered as he walked over to my desk. He pushed aside papers and books, placing the one he was holding in front of me.

"And what is this?" I questioned. EX rolled his eyes and opened it to the 3rd marked page and pointed to the last paragraph.

Zhuvito is presumed to live in a giant, black stone castle in another dimension, known as Xicraft (ziy-craft), and only has one way in (see page 53). The whole castle is surrounded by a boiling liquid known as Cerdon (sir-don). This liquid can melt away your skin down to your bone in a matter of seconds. Xicraft is presumed to have no respawn and also has a very dangerous terrain, known for it's high cliffs and low valleys. Entering this dimension is like a death wish, so enter at your own risk.

I looked back to my brother, worry evident on my face. He just flipped to the next marked page and pointed to the second paragraph.

Xicraft only has one way in and one way out as of what we have learned. To enter, a portal must be made, and it must be placed in a certain area. First, you will need to make the standard portal design, but out of dark nether brick. Then, you will need to light it with a ghastly ball, no other way of lighting will work. This portal must be placed at the direct 0'0 coordinates of the world. The portal will bring you to the outskirts of Xicraft, with the castle only a mile or so away.

I finished reading and looked back to EX who had taken his helmet off.

"Well?" He asked.

"Well what?" I asked him.

"Are we gonna get started, or are you gonna go back to sleep?" EX mocked.

"Oh shut up. First we have to tell the other Hermits, think you could round them up for me?" I asked Ex, he nodded and left, putting on his helmet along the way. I stood up and grabbed my helmet from the ground, peeling off a sticky note. I wiped the visor and put it on, then grabbed the book and a few other papers.

My elytra was in my ender chest, so I grabbed it out, put it on, and flew out to the shopping district. I arrived to see Grian, Mumbo, Scar, False, and Wels gathered, waiting for the rest of us. I landed in f

ront of them and put away my elytra.

"EX didnt really explain anything, so what's been found?" Wels questioned as he walked up to me.

"I'll explain when everyone's here, but it's good news, dont worry." I responded kindly and sat down on the ground, sorting out the couple of notes I had with me.

Slowly, more people arrived, ending with Ren and Doc. I stood up in front of the group and cleared my throat, getting their immediate attention.

"So, good news, we know where (T/n) is, and we know how to get there. We also almost have enough  medicine to heal Tango, Impulse, Zed, BDubs, Keralis, and Etho." I paused to let them process it and say their words of excitment.

"But," I began, "the process of making the portal is difficult and drawn out. We have to light a nether brick portal with a ghastly at exactly 0'0.." The Hermits stopped smiling at that.

"We can do it. We've been through worse!" Stress said loud enough for everyone to hear. It brought back a few smiles and they began to talk again, bringing more grins with it, including mine.

And there is the next chapter, I really like the first half of it, giving Lazlo some character development.

Oh, and speaking of Lazlo,

Hehe, I like the design a lot for some reason

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Hehe, I like the design a lot for some reason. And if you can't tell, it's based a lot upon Wels and Hels.

(he might be kinda sparkly bcuz I accidentally used sparkly gel pens-)

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