Dual Invasions

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(You guys chose what you wanted as an ending, an... ooh boy.)

3rd person pov

Xenovia: I'm sorry, you said something's broken in?

Irina: Yeah, come on! We need to go check it out!

The two Angels set off, flying towards the breach in the Heaven's gate to see who on Earth it could be. Irina thought it might be Fallen trying to get back into Heaven while Xenovia kept her thoughts reserved.

In the distance they saw a weird green smoke which confused them but they soon hurried. Floating above it as the smoke dissipated they spotted an armoured hand pull itself up inside, a hand that looked all too familiar.

The figure pulled themselves up as both of then took out their weapons, seeing a man in green armour. He looked to them and stepped forward, holding an odd looking gun in his hands.

Y/N: I need one of your chariots

Irina: You can't just barge in here and demands things of us!

Y/N: Asia's been kidnapped

Xenovia: That is a shame, but we can't just give you one

Y/N: Then this conversation is pointless

Beginning to walk past them he was intercepted by the two who landed in front of him, holding out their weapons to stop him. Looking between the both of them he made the BFG disappear before grabbing Irina's sword.

He yanked her towards himself and headbutted her only to raise his arm to block Xenovia's slash which made him skid backwards to the still open Heaven's gate, the other angel collecting her bearings.

Xenovia: Just go back through there and we can forget all about this, okay?

In response he created the BFG-9000 and fired, a massive green ball of energy hurtled towards them while streams of it darted off and left burn marks on the ground, the two dodging it although they were caught by the streams of energy.

Thanks to this Y/N charged ahead, taking Irina down with a clothesline but Xenovia just about managed to avoid it and picked up her friend's weapon, holding them both to him.

The Slayer's Descendant put his BFG away and took out the Crucible, the red blade shooting out and sparking along the ground when he ran it along it. He planted his foot in front of himself and swiftly charged forward.


Sirzechs: Is it done?

Asia: ...

Sirzechs: I asked you a question!

When she didnt answer a second time he slapped her harshly, sending her onto the floor while holding her cheek. Taking deep breaths she calmed herself, knowing she needed to stay focused and centred.

The heart beated atop it's pedestal, no longer looking decrepit but instead full and well. Sirzechs smirked and stepped closer towards the heart while Asia slowly backed away, not looking at him.

Asia: ...What could you even do with something like that, it's too big to fit inside you, and it's just a heart

Sirzechs: It's who the heart belongs to, and what i can make them do now i have control of it

Asia: Wh-What do you mean?

Sirzechs: You healed the heart, revitalized the body for me. Thank you for your help, now none can stop me

She froze but was quickly dragged away by some guards while others dressed in robes came along and surrounded the heart, beginning to speak in low chants while Sirzechs stood there proudly.

However alarma began to go off making the Devil King look around, confused as to how someone got in until he remembered the one Hell Gate that was open out in space, but then he was just concerned about who it could be.

Heading out the chamber he saw Grayfia who was rushing towards him, holding a device in her hand which showed what was coming down towards them so he looked to it.

Grayfia: That's a Heaven chariot, yet it's not an Angel. Who is that?

He saw Y/N, fully clad in his armour and heading down quickly causing Sirzechs to clench his fist tightly while gritting his teeth, the concern turning to rage as he barged out and Grayfia followed.

Sirzechs: I want everything we have to fire on that man

Grayfia: But-


She nodded after a moment and sent out a command before a series of defensive turrets set up around the city began to shoot at Y/N and the chariot although he continued to head straight down.

As he did this, Sirzechs went back inkt the chamber to continue the ritual. Soon crashing down into the ground a few Devils, who were nearby, waited to see Y/N come out with weapons at the ready.

But instead he landed on one of them, driving his Crucible through their chest before turning and creating his Super Shotgun, blowing a hole through another. Following that up he fired the MeatHook through the hole and latched onto a Devil.

Being dragged towards them he booted the body forward and launched a grenaxe from his Shoulder Turret, it exploding on impact with the both of them causing an explosion.

Looking up he saw a whole army's worth come towards him so he took out his BFG-9000 once again, it taking a moment to charge up before firing and barreling towards the swarm of Devils.

Upon contact with one of them they seemed to just melt away, the strands of energy shooting out the catch the others as they tried to run. The ball shook, soon becoming unstable and a massive green explosion overtook a good number of them.

Y/N: I'll ask you all this once... where is Asia Argento?

Asia: Hey, what's going on out there?

Guard: Quiet down!

He banged his baton against the bars making her jump and step back, there being no kind of barred window in her cell so she couldn't see what was going on outside.

Taking a deep breath she tried to focus, remembering the light magic she used before she remembered how it felt, the sensation and what she was thinking of at the time.

Opening her eyes she threw her hands forward and a boly of light magic struck the guard in front of her cell so she quickly went forward and got the keys off of him, unlocking the door.

Slipping out she looked around only for the building she was in to shake causing her to look around in confusion, a part of the roof crumbling. She soon headed forward to adventure her way outside.

Asia: Dear lord, or whoever listens to our prayers now... i beg of you to keep my safe in my escape

(Lemme know what you think)

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