A Loose End

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(Well, you feckers did it. If only interest in this story would keep building, then it's be like... idk, completely unexpected tbh)

3rd person pov

Y/N: Gah! You bastard...

The teen sat there on his hands and knees, holding his stomach in pain only for the Spectre to swing down at him making him roll out the way, catching one of his previous wounds causing him to jolt.

Taking this opportunity the Night Sentinel booted Y/N in the face, sending him tumbling onto his back, once again catching a wound, showing how unfair this fight was, and how outmatched he was.

?: Do you see now, Slayer's Descendant, the might you can gain by joining us?

Y/N: This don't mean shit... i just need a bigger gun

Slowly he got up, trying to think of something to use only for a weight to be added into his arms so he looked down, seeing a rocket launcher which made him smirk.

Quickly taking aim at the Spectre he fired, the kick back making him stumble backwards while the rocket hit it's target, dissipating the Night Sentinel and leaving a weird coin in it's absence.

Managing to catch himself Y/N felt exhausted in a different way due to it taking a good amount of his magic to create both the weapon and the ammo to use, however he looked up and took a deep breath.

Y/N: There, i beat your guy! Let me go home!

?: And that i shall do. But you shall be kept under our watch

Y/N: And what do you mean by "our" wa- AH!

Unlike before where the portal opened beside him, this one opened underneath him making the teen fall and land on the ground in the safe space he was in before, a pained groan leaving him.

As the portal closed he flipped it off and soon rolled onto his side, slowly but steadily getting himself back up. Letting out a breath he pulled himself onto the bed, resting as he sunk into it's soft embrace.

But like all things in life, it was torn away mercilessly when there was a knock at the door. This confused and infuriated the teen, wondering why the hell someone was at the door, so he decided to stay put.

Vega: Are you seriously going to make an old man wait outside in the cold?

Y/N: What...?

Getting up he dragged himself over, looking through the peephole. His ears weren't deceiving him due to the Old man stood outside, seemingly bearing a gift as he had something in his hands.

Although hesitant he opened the door enough to let him in, soon closing it when he stepped through. His gaze didn't leave the old man as cautious thoughts ran through his mind.

Vega: I'm just here to give you something as thanks for saving me

Y/N: Saving? Oh, right... what is it?

Vega: Water that was originally snow atop a mountain, but has melted. The village that sells this believes it has healing properties

Being handed a gourd the teen slowly took it, soon taking the cap off and sipping a bit of it. To him it just tasted like normal water so he continued to drink it only for his body to freeze, making him drop the gourd.

Vega: They also say that it has a low chance of killing the consumer, if they possess great evil in their soul


Over at the abandoned church Raynere got up from a kneeled position as someone left, there now only being the congregation and her inside. This was soon changed when the doors were kicked open.

Until It Is Done: Highschool DxD x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now