Chapter 3

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As it had become later in the night, Jessica had invited Gil to spend the night so that he wouldn't have to drive home tired, and Gil stayed in a guest bedroom. The next morning, Gil had woken up earlier and decided to make breakfast for Jessica and her kids. As Gil was getting out everything he needed to make breakfast, Ainsley and Malcolm walked into the kitchen. "Good morning kiddos, do you two want to help me make breakfast?" Gil asked when he saw Malcolm and Ainsley in the kitchen. Ainsley and Malcolm nodded and Gil grabbed two chairs for them to stand on. "Okay, so we're going to make pancakes for breakfast," Gil said as he got out the ingredients to make pancakes with the kids. As Gil was making breakfast with Ainsley and Malcolm, Jessica walked into the kitchen and smiled when she saw the three of them making breakfast. "What's going on in here?" She asked as she walked over to them to see what was being made for breakfast. "We're helping Gil make breakfast," Malcolm said excitedly to his mother as Gil handed him some plates so that he could set the table. "You taught my kids to cook?" Jessica asked Gil as she grabbed the chair Malcolm had used to bring it back into the dining room. "I'm sure it might take a few times before they remember how to cook everything, but I thought it would be nice to have the help since they were already awake," Gil said as he brought the food to the dining room table. Ainsley and Malcolm sat at the table giggling as Gil and Jessica walked into the dining room. "What are you two giggling about?" Jessica asked her children curiously. "Mommy likes Gil!" Ainsley said in a sing-song voice and her brother laughed. Jessica blushed as she sat down at the table with her kids and Gil served everyone their breakfast. "Of course your mommy likes me, we're friends and I help her take care of you and your brother," Gil said to Ainsley as he sat down at the table beside her. Malcolm rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his eggs, "No Gil, that's not what Ainsley meant." He said and Jessica shot him a dirty look before he could say anything else about it. After they had finished breakfast, Ainsley and Malcolm left the dining room to play in their rooms and Jessica helped Gil with the dishes. "Seems like your kids were trying to embarrass you this morning," Gil said to Jessica as he started washing the dishes. Jessica leaned against the counter as she watched Gil, "I always thought it was a parent's job to embarrass their children but instead it seems to be my children's job to embarrass me." She said as Gil emptied the sink and dried his hands on a towel. "I'm sure you will find a lot of different ways to embarrass your kids as they get older." He said as he placed the towel on the counter and wrapped his arms gently around Jessica's waist. Jessica wrapped her arms around Gil's neck and examined his face before gently kissing him on the lips before pulling away. "Sorry, I don't know why I did that." She said as she moved so that Gil's arms were no longer around her waist, and started to leave the kitchen. "Jess..." Gil said as he reached his hand out to grab her arm, gently bringing his hand down her arm to her hand as she stopped walking, turning to face Gil, "You don't need to apologize." Jessica looked away from Gil, trying not to let him see that she was hiding the guilt, shame, fear, and pain in her eyes. Gil gently lifted Jessica's head so she was looking at him.

Before Jessica or Gil could so much as say a word to each other, they were caught off guard by the sound of Ainsley and Malcolm giggling in the doorway. "Can we help you giggle monsters?" Jessica asked as she looked over at Ainsley and Malcolm, Gil's arms wrapped around her waist. Malcolm shook his head as he and Ainsley continued to giggle. "I got this," Gil whispered in Jessica's ear as he dropped his arms from her waist and started to walk slowly towards Malcolm and Ainsley, who took off running when he got close to them. Gil looked back at Jessica and winked at her before running after Ainsley and Malcolm. Jessica smiled brightly and decided to make some coffee for her and Gil. She knew that once the coffee was ready, Gil would have tired Malcolm and Ainsley out. Sure enough, Jessica walked into the living room with coffee for her and Gil, to find Ainsley and Malcolm laying on the floor. It took Jessica a second to realize that Ainsley and Malcolm were laying on top of Gil, who was laying on his back. "Alright kiddos, time to let Gil get up off the floor now. How about you two go get your colouring books and you can sit quietly in the living room with us while we talk." Jessica said as she set the coffee mugs down on the coffee table before picking Ainsley up off Gil and setting her on the floor. Malcolm got up off of Gil and walked with Ainsley to her room to help her pick out a colouring book as Jessica helped Gil up off the floor. "Seems like I should have you over more often," Jessica said as she and Gil made their way over to the couch. Gil chuckled at Jessica's comment as they sat on the couch. "Oh really? You want me to chase them around and tire them out before bed?" He jokingly said as he picked up one of the coffee mugs. Jessica picked up the other coffee mug and took a sip of the coffee. "That sounds like a wonderful idea." She said with a bright smile. After a short moment, Ainsley and Malcolm returned with their colouring books and crayons. "Mommy, I'm gonna colour a picture for Gil," Ainsley said as she flipped through her colouring book to find a picture she wanted to colour for Gil. An hour later, as Ainsley and Malcolm continued to colour quietly, Gil went home to change his clothes and to get some stuff done before he went back to the Whitly Estate again.

Upon Gil's arrival back at the Whitly Estate, Ainsley ran to the door to let Gil in and to give him the picture she coloured for him. "You coloured this for me?" Gil asked as he took the picture and smiled at Ainsley's handiwork. "Alright kiddos, grab your coats so we can leave," Jessica said to Ainsley and Malcolm as she and Malcolm walked into the foyer to join Ainsley and Gil. "Where are we going?" Malcolm asked as Jessica helped Ainsley into her coat. "We're going out for burgers and fries," Gil said with a smile as Jessica and Malcolm put on their coats. After everyone was ready to go, they left the house and got into Gil's car. After a short while, Gil pulled up to a burger place and the four of them got out. "Alright, who's ready to get dome food?" Gil asked as he picked up Ainsley, and walked inside with Jessica and Malcolm. After they finished their burgers and fries, Jessica only having fries, the four of them got into Gil's car again and he drove them to the park to go for a nice walk. As they walked through the park, Ainsley and Malcolm ran ahead of Gil and Jessica, who walked hand in hand behind them. After a while, Malcolm and Ainsley got tired of running ahead of their mother and Gil that they decided to walk back over to them. "Mommy, I'm tired," Ainsley said when she and Malcolm reached them. Jessica picked up Ainsley and kissed her cheek, "Alright, let's get you kids home and to bed." She said and Gil nodded in agreement. Before long, they were back at the Whitly Estate and Gil was helping Jessica put the kids to bed. "Thanks for the help," Jessica said to Gil as she closed Malcolm's door behind them. "Of course, I said it before Jess, I will always help you out when you need it," Gil said before kissing Jessica on the cheek, "I should head home, and just like the kids, you should get some sleep." Jessica smiled, her cheeks turning pink as she blushed from Gil kissing her cheek. "Don't forget your picture Ainsley coloured for you. She would be really upset if you forgot it," Jessica said as she kissed Gil's cheek, "Have a good night Gil." Jessica walked Gil to the door and he picked up the picture that Ainsley had coloured for him from the table beside the door. "Have a good night," Gil said to Jessica as he left the house.

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