Chapter 5

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Later that day, Gil and Malcolm drove back to the Whitly Estate. Ainsley was sitting outside on the front steps waiting for them to arrive and quickly stood up excitedly when Gil and Malcolm got out of Gil's car. Ainsley moved as quickly as she could down the steps, and ran to hug Gil's legs when he stepped up onto the sidewalk outside of the house. "Hey Ainsley, did you have a good day at school?" Gil asked as he picked up Ainsley and followed Malcolm into the house. "I drew you a picture at school," Ainsley said excitedly as Gil set her down on the floor and she ran off to grab the picture for Gil. As Ainsley was grabbing her drawing for Gil, Jessica joined Malcolm and Gil in the foyer. "How was your day Jess?" Gil asked as Malcolm left them in the foyer and went to the living room. "Well, I ran some errands today, had lunch with two great people in my life, ran some more errands, and then spent time with Ainsley after I picked her up from school," Jessica said with a smile to Gil. Gil smiled back at Jessica as Ainsley entered the foyer again with her drawing for Gil. Ainsley held out the drawing for Gil with a big smile on her face. Gil took the drawing from Ainsley and smiled, the drawing was of the four of them together. "Thank you, Ainsley, I will put this up in my office at work tomorrow." He said as he looked at the drawing. "Mommy, is Gil gonna stay for dinner again?" Ainsley asked looking up at her mother. Jessica picked Ainsley up and shook her head. "Maybe another night sweetheart, Gil is probably tired from work." She said looking over at Gil. Ainsley pouted, "I want him to tell me a bedtime story though." Jessica chuckled softly as she set Ainsley on the floor again. "Go wash up for dinner," She said and turned to Gil once Ainsley left, "I see my kids are trying to guilt me into having you stay for dinner." Gil chuckled and looked towards the doorway of the living room where Malcolm and Ainsley were standing, watching them. "I'm always a phone call away if they become too much to handle at bedtime." He said before kissing Jessica on the cheek. "Careful, we both know that these two will intentionally be too much to handle at bedtime if it means you come to help put them to bed," Jessica said as Malcolm and Ainsley walked over to them. Gil and Jessica chuckled before saying goodbye.

A few hours later, Gil was at home cleaning up from his dinner when his phone rang. "Hello?" Gil asked as he answered the phone. "Ainsley's driving mom crazy, I think she needs backup," Malcolm said on the other end of the call. Gil chuckled as he sat down on his couch. "Is that so? Did your mother ask you to call me or is this all your doing?" He asked knowing that Jessica most likely didn't even know Malcolm had called Gil. Before Malcolm could answer, Gil could hear the sound of Ainsley running through the living room screaming about not wanting to go to bed. "I'll be there soon," Gil said to Malcolm before hanging up the phone and grabbing his jacket to head over to the Whitly Estate. When Gil arrived, Malcolm was standing outside to avoid his screaming sister. "The chaos is through that door, prepare yourself," Malcolm said to Gil who laughed before heading inside, Malcolm following behind him. As Gil and Malcolm walked into the house, Ainsley ran up to Gil and hugged his legs. "Woah, hey kiddo. Shouldn't you be in bed?" Gil asked as he steadied himself so Ainsley wouldn't knock him over. Ainsley shook her head as Gil picked her up. "No, I'm not tired." She said as Jessica walked into the foyer. "Malcolm called you, didn't he?" Jessica asked with a sigh as she walked over to Gil and took Ainsley from him. "Yeah, he said you needed backup," Gil said with a chuckle as he walked with Jessica to Ainsley's room. Jessica chuckled as she put Ainsley in her bed, "That sounds about right. Somebody has decided that she doesn't want to go to bed." She said as Gil sat on the edge of Ainsley's bed. "Can you read me a story?" Ainsley asked Gil, giving him a pouty face as she looked at him. Gil looked over at Jessica to see if she had anything against it. "I have to put Malcolm to bed so you can read her a quick story if you'd like," Jessica said before leaving Ainsley's room. 

Once Malcolm and Ainsley were both finally asleep, Jessica and Gil sat in the living room, enjoying a drink together. "Thank you for coming to help. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you." Jessica said to Gil as he draped his arm over her shoulder, moving her closer to him. "I will always be here when you need me, Jess. I will also be here when your children think you need me." Gil said with a smile as Jessica leaned against him, placing her feet up on the couch after she kicked off her shoes. "I could stay like this all night," Jessica said as she snuggled into Gil's side feeling relaxed for the first time in a while. Gil chuckled as he set his drink glass on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around Jessica. "That would be nice, but I'll have to go home eventually," Gil said as he kissed the top of Jessica's head. Jessica sat up and looked at Gil, "Well don't be surprised if one night I show up at your door with my children in tow do to them not sleeping." She said as she leaned against his chest and kissed him softly on the lips. Gil smiled as Jessica pulled away from the kiss. "I can't say that I would be surprised to see you." He said as he brushed a strand of hair out of Jessica's face before she laid back down against him. "For now I'll just sleep right here, okay?" Jessica said, her voice revealing that she was tired, even if she tried to hide it. After a short while, Jessica fell asleep cuddling on the couch with Gil and Malcolm walked into the living room after having a bad dream. "Hey kid, did you have a bad dream?" Gil asked Malcolm as he shifted his position carefully as to not wake Jessica but to also provide room for Malcolm to join them on the couch. Malcolm nodded as he climbed onto the couch and curled up beside Gil. "Mom fell asleep?" Malcolm asked Gil as they sat on the couch together. Gil nodded, "How about I bring your mother to bed and then I'll bring you back to bed." Gil suggested as he carefully got up off the couch and picked up Jessica. After bringing Jessica to her room and putting her in bed, Gil walked back into the living room and found Malcolm asleep on the couch so he picked him up and carried him to bed before leaving the Whitly Estate for the night.

A few days had gone by since Gil had last seen Jessica and her kids, and Gil was in his kitchen cooking dinner for the four of them when there was a knock at his door. "Come in, make yourself at home. Dinner is almost ready." Gil said with a smile when he opened the door. "It smells fantastic in here, might I ask what you're making for us?" Jessica said as Gil took her coat from her and hung it up. "It's a surprise. Just make yourselves comfortable and I will let you know when dinner's ready." Gil said as he took Malcolm and Ainsley's coats and hung them up. Jessica nodded as she took the kids into Gil's living room and sat on the couch. A short time later, Gil set the table with four plates before going back into the kitchen to pull the homemade lasagna he had made out of the oven. "Dinner is served," Gil said as he set the lasagna on the table. Ainsley and Malcolm ran over to the table as Gil pulled out their chairs for them. "Oh Gil, it looks delicious," Jessica said as Gil pulled out her chair before sitting in his own chair. "It's homemade lasagna, I only wanted to give the best to my three favourite people," Gil said as he smiled at Malcolm, Ainsley, and Jessica. After they finished dinner, Ainsley and Malcolm went into Gil's living room to watch tv while Jessica helped Gil with the dishes. "So how long do you think it'll take for my children to pass out on your couch?" Jessica asked as she passed a plate to Gil. Gil chuckled in response. "I have a couple of spare cots tucked away if need be." He said as they finished washing the dishes and joined Malcolm and Ainsley in the living room. 

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