Chapter 30

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Sirius' POV: from the boggart scene.

Me, Remus, Harrison and Arthur raced up the stairs when we heard the crying. Harrison was ahead of us so he got to the door first. He wasted no time opening in and comforting who I knew was Molly.

The other two and I all stepped into the room to see what could have upset her so much. We looked over to where Harrison had crouched down to her level to soothe her.

"Its fine Molly, it was just a boggart. Your children are all fine. You can floo Bill and Charlie later if you wish. The others are downstairs. Arthur is fine too as am I."

When Harrison said he was fine too, my eyes darted over the boggart. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of the messy black haired boy, with dead green eyes. He was deathly pale and his chest not rising or falling. He had blood pooling out the side of his head. The boy was Harrison, my godson. The boy that was practically my own son, laying dead on the floor. It was a sight I NEVER wanted to see.

My brain didn't even register the fact it was only a boggart and the messy haired boy was only a foot away from me breathing and healthy. All I could do was look at the cold and pale corpse in front of me in absolute horror.

Eventually I felt someone's warm hand on my shoulder, I still couldn't take my eyes off 'Harrison'.

I then felt two arms slide around my waist and hug me tightly.

"I'm right here uncle Padfoot. I'm fine, I promise." I heard a deep but soft voice say. My head snapped to my left shoulder where Remus' hand once lay, now replaced by a boys head. Then I realised what he said and that the boy had messy black curls.


"H-Harrison?" My voice cracked as tears pooled in my eyes

He looked up and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I smiled and lunges for him, holding him close against my chest.

Eventually we all went downstairs and all sat close together. I didn't once let go of Harrison, even if it was only a hand on his arm. He didn't seem to mind though.

Harrison's PoV:

I woke up the next morning, to find myself with a stiff neck and warm body.

I realised I was sitting on the sofa in the front room. I looked to my right, where Remus was curled up at the end of the sofa, asleep.

On my right was Sirius, whose chest I was laying against, still asleep.

Molly and Arthur must have gone upstairs to bed as they were nowhere to be seen. Fred and George were hugging each other in their sleep, on a conjured

Hermione and Ginny were on the other sofa curled up at either end. And finally Ron was sleeping contently on another conjured bed.

I stood up and stretched. I decided to go and shower and get ready for school which began today. I was sad that I wouldn't be around Padfoot and Moony during the day but I'd be able to see them every night if I wished as I could either apparate or shadow walk.

It was easier now that Sirius was free, he seemed so much happier this time, so did Remus.


I got showered and dressed into a tight fitted black top and ripped black jeans, a white beanie and white trainers.

I walked downstairs to find everyone except Ron awake now. I threw a bucket of ice cold water over him and bolted into the kitchen.

Ron was hot on my heels shouting after me.

They were all sitting at the table when I ran in and looked up, not even surprised as they were all used to my antics by now. I ran behind Sirius at the head of the table, as he looked the most intimidating except Molly hehe.


"Yes, I do believe that's ME!" I piped up cheekily.

He growled and tackled me to the floor, play fighting with each other.


Eventually the adults apparated us to Kings Cross station, this time Sirius didn't have to come in dog form and I could actually hug him properly.

"Bye uncle Padfoot." I mumbled into his neck.

He laughed and said, "we will see you soon pup, don't worry."

I nodded and walked onto the train with the others. I sat with all of them and Neville and Luna.


Of course it was Umbitch again! The menacing pink toad! I ignored her entire speech and went up to Gryffindor tower.



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