Chapter 7 - The aftermath

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After about 6 minutes I heard footsteps from downstairs. I knew it was Snivillous from his memories. (In my story he still doesn't like Snape...he's a lot more like James in this story although not a bully, just a massive prankster. I mean who would like the man who bullied you in all your lessons with him.)

And as I know from his memories he stepped carelessly over my fathers dead body with a sneer on his face. Probably glee too. As if the man hadn't just laid down his life to protect me.

Then he came into the nursery and promptly fell against the wall hugging my mothers dead body. It was...pathetic. Honestly pathetic. AN: In this story he really doesn't like Snape as you can tell...and again as you can probably tell neither do I. I mean just because his father bullied him he thought it was ok to then bully an 11 year old boy and humiliate him. And then having the cheek to ask Harry to look at him before he dies to see 'Lily's eyes'... they were his eyes too!! I honestly believe Snape only cared for himself and nobody else except lily. Everyone knows he didn't really care for Harry it was just his OBSESSIVE and bordering perverted love for lily potter.

Sorry about the rant 🤣.

Back to the story.

After he finally manned up. (Again he's been through the war and he refuses to show weakness so he believes others are weak to...probably why he was almost sorted into Slytherin. He had their mask down.

Yes so after he manned up he wiped off his tears and turned towards me. I don't know why but I was expecting him to atleast try and comfort me but want to know what he did instead? He FUCKING SNEERED AT ME! A baby who was innocent (supposedly) and had done no wrong doings to him received a horrible sneer of the greasy git.

After that he apperated straight out leaving me in the ruins. I waited for Hagrid to come.

Actually your waiting for your godfather Young master.

Yes it was him who came first all those years ago. He didn't just rush off leaving you to go after Peter. No. He tried to take you to his and Remus' house but Hagrid stopped him. He would have taken after to but Dumbledore gave his orders to Hagrid to take you.

Yes yes I know but please remember Young master he didn't know how truly awful they were. Yes he should have listened to Minerva but he didn't do NOT blame him.

Yes Killian...


And with that Killian left my head and got back to whatever he was doing. Due to my enhanced senses I got from the deities, I couldn't help but hear cautious footsteps and then an agonising sob.



Every sob was like a knife to my heart. The poor 22 year old man had just lost his all but blood brother. Eventually though I heard him put my fathers corpse down and walking up the rickety staircase. Then suddenly I realised my forehead was actually gushing with blood. Ah the curse scar. I was beginning to feel light headed and promptly passed out.

Sirius' POV:

After carefully placing my all but blood brothers lifeless form on the ground I made my way up the stairs.

"L-lily?" I called answer. Deep down I knew she too was gone...but I didn't want to believe it so I carried on down the hall and into the blasted off doorway. I looked down on the floor and saw a pile of black robes.

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