Right Now

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Yamaguchi's POV

Spending time with tsukki always makes my days better, despite being salty he was actually caring but he shows it in a tsundere way

Currently we are at our dorm, doing nothing a usual though tsukki seemed much more confideng all of the sudden.  Since he decided to propose to Sakki

(S.R: before y'all attack me, that's the first name that comes to my mind please don't hurt me ;-;)

Though there's this one thing that saddens me the most...


"Yamaguchi" tsukki called out as i turned around and flashed him a grin which he returned with a small smile

"What is it tsukki?" I asked as i turned around completely waiting for his response

"I need your help about something...uhhh- i'm not sure about this though" tsukki said as he rubbed the back of his neck

"A-are you planning to propose to Sakki?" I stuttered out as i felt a lump on my throat

"Took the words right out of my mouth" he said as i tried to hold back my tears, i know he already had a girlfriend but i can't help but regret the decision i made about confessing to him before we go to college but i chickened out

"do you already have the ring tsukki?" I asked as i fiddled with the hem of my shirt

"Yeah i was planning to propose to her by the end of the year" he said as he smiled, seeing him smile just makes me smile myself

'I'm so stupid, why did i chicken out!? Now all i have to do is support him like a good best friend i am' the thought of the word bestfriend hurted me, it's like being stabbed by a million of knives through the heart

"That's great tsukki! I'm sure she'll say yes!"

'I'm sure she'll say yes....'

(End of flashback)

I didn't noticed that tears were falling continuesly as i tried to wipe them but they keep coming

'This is not the time to be upset, i'm his bestfriend! I have to support him! Even if it meant hurting me'

And that brings us to the present day...

The day tsukki was going to get married, i stood behind tsukki as i am his best man along with the former volleyball team. The bride's, bride's maids are yachi,sheena,kiyoko,hatsume,akane,alisa,and kaori. They were very happy that tsukki was getting married and so was i, but knowing that me and tsukki will go to different paths soon. All i have to do is cherish this very last moment with him

The music started playing as the bride walked down the aisle of the church, Sakki looked stunning. No wonder tsukki proposed to her, as she arrived at where the priest and tsukki is, they both stood face to face with eachother as they both gave eachother genuine smiles

After saying their wedding bows, the priest began talking

"Raise your hand in objection or forever hold your peace"

I wanted to raise my hand but i just can't take away tsukki's happiness. I can't be selfish, i know this will hurt me but as long as his happy the  i am too.

Everything went in slow motion as i said these words in my head

'Right now...i wish you were here with me'

'Right now...everything is new to me'

'You know i can't stand this feeling'

'And every night feel it'

Tears were slowly clouding my vision as daichi handed me a tissue which i shyly took before taking him

Tsukki and Sakki kissed and the crowd cheered for the newly wedded couple, i for one also cheered even if it hurts me.

Even if it hurts me..

I'll love you no matter what...

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