One last time

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[No one's POV]

The snow falls as the moon shines bright, walking through this empty halls a boy with black locks as he searched for a certain room where he meets the boy who makes his heart beats fast as it was going to win a running race

Opening the door he was greeted by a large smile and there laid the boy who's skin was pale, tired eyes, and have a couple of tubes sticking to him. The black haired boy smiled back as he walked near his lover's bed gently holding his hand as he placed a kiss on it

They enjoyed each other's silence as they stared at the window where the snow flakes fall from the sky, the moon's light kissing both of their faces, the star twinkled brighter than usual and the leaves danced slightly as the breeze synced with it

"It snowed akaashii! I wanna touch the snow, can i touch the snow?" Bokuto exclaimed as he stared at akaashi with his loving eyes, he knew there was no cure for his sickness, he knew it from the very start. The goal he made was to spend his last days with his lover, Akaashi

"It snowed indeed bokuto-san, let me get you a wheelchair" with that being said, akaashi stood up and pushed the wheelchair that was resting on the corner of the room. He helped bokuto to sit on it as he pushed the wheelchair towards the window

He opened the window as bokuto's eyes sparkled, he held his hand out feeling tiny snowflakes landing on his pale palm almost matching the snowflakes' color. He had a bright smile present on his face as akaashi smiled with him, happy that he was smiling

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Akaashi said as he stared at the moon, with his lover by his side. He would do anything for him, he loves him very much

"I love you too, Akaashi. One last time" Bokuto said the last part in a whisper, in hopes that akaashi wouldn't hear it. To which he didn't surprisingly as he was focus on staring at the moon with a soft smile

"Let's put you back to bed bokuto-san, it's already late. You have to rest" akaashi said as he closed the window and pushed the wheelchair towards the bed, he helped him get on the bed as he pushed the wheelchair back to where he got it

"Rest akaashi, you still have work tomorrow. I'll be fine" bokuto said as he kissed his lips knowing it would be the last time he gets to kiss him so lovingly

Akaashi only smiled as he placed his head on the side of the bed and fell into a deep slumber

. . .

"I'll be fine"

It was a lie, it was all a lie. He stood with wide eyes as nurses and doctors rushed inside of bokuto's room, he walked fast with tears in his eyes flowing down his soft skin. He waited anxiously for the doctor to tell him the news

He was overthinking, he wanted to scream, he wanted to know his condition fast. He was growing impatient, his thoughts got interrupted when the doctor came out with a sadden expression

'No. . .'

'No please, tell me he's alright'

"I'm so sorry for your loss. ."

After hearing those words his whole world stopped moving, he stared at the doctor with wide eyes who only gave him a look of sympathy

"I'm very sorry, we tried our best. We really did" the doctor said leaving akaashi as he continued to cry

He was gone. . .

He couldn't believe it. . .

. . .

He stood in front of his deceased lover's grave, with a flower in his hand, tears flowing down his cheeks

He kneeled and kissed the gravestone as he placed the flowers next to his picture

"I love you Bokuto-san, One last time"

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Inspiration: In Another Life

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