Chapter 21

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"...So, you've been to Naga before? You seem to know how to do this."

"Just passing through. Coach took us to Caramoan in CamSur, summer outing on my first year in the team. We made a stop in Naga before heading off to the resort."

"Is it nice there?"

"I had a really good toasted siopao. And are you into spicy? Their food is spicier than the Manila version by default."

"I don't have spicy food very often."

"You should try it."

"I don't know. I might cry all over my shirt."

"Milk is what'll kill it. I'll make sure you've got some."

"Thank you."

"Sol doesn't know you're coming?"

"She's not picking up her phone. But we've been weird lately anyway. I mean, am I a bad friend for thinking she shouldn't be with this guy?"

"I think I had a class with Neil once. Wouldn't have guessed he would be the guy doing all that though. Isn't he really rich?"

"I don't think he's in it just because he needs money."

"That is so messed up. Did you know that they search our bags now, before we leave the locker room?

"Everyone? Including the RKs?"

"It was random, but I guess it was mostly me and a couple other guys."

"Not the rich ones, you mean."

"They're not so rich. I mean, they pay full tuition but they don't go around in fancy cars."

"Hey, it's not like I'm hating on your friends. They can be as rich they want. I just don't want us to be the first suspects for something like this."

"So what's going to happen about that? Are you telling the dean?"

"We're working something out."

"I wonder if he'll get expelled."

"Oh, I didn't even think of that. I hope Sol doesn't hate me forever. Do you think she'll hate me forever?"

"Not forever. Maybe she'll finally talk to you on graduation day."

"Great. God. Do you think I'm wrong about this?"

"I think you care about your friend."

"I keep thinking of what I'll do if someone just suddenly told me who I should and shouldn't be with."

"Hey, some people need that kind of person in their lives."

"Do they?"

"Have I ever told you about my sister?"

"The one who likes peanut butter spaghetti?"

"No, the one who's in Canada."

"How many sisters do you have?"

"A lot. Anyway. She pretty much moved to Canada to follow a guy, who ended up dumping her within a year. I was so against it, told her so, because I knew she was doing it for all the wrong reasons. Everyone encouraged her though, because, hey, Canada."

"But she's still there, right?"

"Yes, but every week for a while she was calling home, crying, wanting to come back. She had a good job that she was perfectly willing to leave, just because he dumped her. She kept asking to talk to me, probably because I was the only person who told her not to go to begin with. Thought maybe I'd be the first to tell her to come back."

"But you didn't. You told her to stick it out there?"


"Because she wanted to come back for the wrong reasons too."

"Exactly. Thank you. Everyone thought I was being inconsistent."

"No, that actually makes a lot of sense."

"So what matters is that you get to do whatever it is you feel you need to do for Sol right now. It'll matter."

"Thank you."

"Are you going to finish your chips?"

"No... you want them? I feel like throwing up, so nervous. I also think that I'm missing a quiz today. I can't believe you're ditching school too."

"No quizzes today."

"Aren't you worried about your cuts? I am."

"I get unlimited cuts for every class. Varsity."

"Are you kidding me? That's not fair. You guys don't even win."

"You think I'm going to say no to a good thing?"

"Hey, I work tirelessly filing personality tests and scheduling counseling appointments. Where are my perks?"

"Why are you worried about your cuts?"

"I'm not supposed to miss too many classes. Scholarship review every year and all. I guess you don't have to worry about that?"

"As long as I'm on the team, they'll keep renewing. It's a good deal."

"I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. But you didn't have to go with me today."

"You think I'd just let you go to Naga to confront a criminal all by yourself? Good thing I saw you this morning before you did anything rash."

"This is still rash."

"Yeah, but we're being rash together. You called your tita about this?"

"No I didn't. I mean I haven't. I should do that. I mean, well, I just don't want her to yell at me yet. Did they just say we're about to land in a few minutes?"

"What? Yeah."

"I thought it would take longer. I mean, isn't it a nine-hour drive?"

"Planes get to skip all that traffic."

"You know what I mean. I wasn't expecting it to be this quick. Was it just an hour? We're almost in Naga. Yikes."

"You were having fun. You're welcome."

"Okay, is that normal?"

"That little bump? Yeah. Some pilots do landings better though."

"Great, on my first time I get the guy who lands with a little bump."

"It's not so bad. Look, we're here. And see, I'm useful. Do you want me to get your bag?"

"Yes please."

Queen of the Clueless #2 of 3 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now