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Adelaide pulled herself together. She needed to, in order to save Will. The mob outside was going to kill him. She rushed outside and gaped in horror as she watched her own father toss the torch that would end his son. She rushed to the front of the crowd, mostly passing through people until she reached him. She tried to grab her father's arm, his sleeve, anything to make him notice her, but he didn't even flinch. She screamed and begged, pleading with the people that it was Will they were killing, but she was invisible. Will made a noise, low and rumbling, like he was trying to speak but that body had no outlet for human language. She gave up on trying to get the people's attention and tried to help Will out of his bonds. It was a fruitless effort, her hands simply slipped through the ropes, she was unable to grip anything tangible anymore. But Will was looking at her, not the crowd, making quiet noises, garbled from the blood leaking into his throat from what once were Fei'Sith's wounds. "Will...", she cried softly. "It seems this is the end for us both". She took a step back as the fire started to take hold in the wood stack, flames beginning to lick Will's back. She could only watch as they climbed higher, beginning to singe his skin. Then came the screams. It only took a few more minutes for the pyre to fully engulf him. Wretched shrieks filled the square as the crowd cheered on her beloved brother's death. She sank to her knees, powerless to stop it, rocking and wailing as her body shook with uncontrollable sobs. She cried and screamed upon deaf ears in tune with her brother's shrieks. It was a melancholy duet of utter despair.

Adelaide couldn't bear to watch any longer. Her sadness turned to anger. A searing hatred for the devastation Fei'Sith had brought down upon her and her brother. She found it in the crowd, brooding in the back, silently watching the scene unfold. She approached it, this imposter, with one question on her mind: "What have you done?". It sighed, "You know I don't owe you anything...", it thought for a moment, "I don't advise it, but if you'd really like to know, go back to where it all started, you'll see the truth".

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