Chapter 3

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Back on Stage~ 

Greg was seeming to have a bit of trouble doing the magic tricks without his wand. 

"Um... Dorothy's got my magic wand" Greg said while holding the hankies. 

"Oh, I know. I'll say some different magic words and hopefully that will work" He said. 

Greg tried making the hankies disappear, saying all different kind of magic words but nothing happened. 

Just then, the other Wiggles, the Doodlebops, and Kali came back out on stage while the school students cheered. 

"Greg, perhaps you'd have a bit more luck with a song" Anthony told the yellow wiggle. 

"Yeah, a song always helps brighten your spirits" Kali mentioned. 

"You might be right, guys" Greg said to his friends. 

DeeDee then came forward with her own magic wand and hat. "Don't worry, Greg. I can help with this" she said, helping the yellow wiggle out. 

Music started playing as DeeDee and her brothers helped get her prepared to show off her own magic tricks for the children. 

"And now ladies and gentlemen..." Rooney started. 

"The moment you've all been waiting for..." Moe continued. 

"Abracadeedee!" The two boy Doodlebops presented their sister as DeeDee walked out on stage with her magic wand and hat while the students cheered for her. 

"I've got a magic wand. I shout loud and clear" DeeDee started singing. 

"Abracadabra, now disappear!" DeeDee waved her wand around a stuffed toy bear, thinking it would disappear into thin air but nothing happened. 

"Whoa! What happened?" DeeDee asked herself. "I guess I better try it again" she shrugged her shoulders. 

DeeDee then came over to take a deck of magic cards Kali presented to her. 

"One more time, it's not that hard. To shuffle up this deck of cards" DeeDee continued singing. 

This time DeeDee managed to pull off the magic trick perfectly and had shuffled the cards up correctly. 

"Oh yeah, I've got it now" DeeDee said while the students applauded for her. 

"Abracadabra, 1, 2, 3! Gotta keep on trying you and me~" DeeDee sang. 

"Abracadabra, try it this way! Gotta keep on trying every single day~" 

"Okay everyone, we need your help" DeeDee told the audience. "Together, we can make this trick work"

"Now cross your arms" DeeDee instructed while Rooney, Moe, and Kali helped demonstrate. 

The school children copied them. 

"Nod your head" DeeDee continued and the children copied her. 

"Viola!" DeeDee said. "It's magic!" 

DeeDee kept doing all kinds of magic tricks which really impressed the children while Rooney, Moe and the gang applauded for her. DeeDee was having so much fun singing and dancing with her brothers and friends. 

"Abracadabra, 1, 2, 3! Gotta keep on trying you and me. Abracadabra, 1, 2, 3! Gotta keep on trying you and me. Gotta keep on trying every single day!~"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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