Chapter 13

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"Richmond is gonna be messy. You sure you wanna take it?"

"Honestly? Not entirely. But I see little choice."

"We could take another location. Let somebody else handle this one."

"We're the best team for it, though. You, Voldsa, Soren, Solvecde, now Leho. We are some of the strongest players in the game right now. We have the greatest chance of success."

"That's not what I'm arguing."

"I know. And I appreciate your thoughtfulness. But I said I must do this. And I think I must try."

"Stars bless you, child. We'll do what we can to protect you from the worst of it."

Tyr had been right, Kosazana thought mournfully to herself as she pelted down the hallways of the Richmond base. The humans had scattered the moment she and her team had busted down the doors, loudly declaring their arrival and the purpose of their visit. The immortals had already locked down the exterior of the building, ensuring no one could get out, and were systematically working their way through, flushing out those who tried to run and dispatching them promptly. Kosazana had stuck with Leho, relying on the spell the harpy had taught her to protect herself while he savagely and mercilessly carved through entire rooms of humans at a time. His fury was palpable and infectious; her own blood boiled whenever she heard the rage and hatred in his cries. While she refrained from striking down any mortals herself, she did not begrudge Leho his retaliation as he chewed through the base in a terrifying display of vengeful ire.

They were relying on wrist-worn communication systems: tiny microphones on straps, with little wireless transmitters in their ears. Tyr, Soren, and Daria had already radioed in to inform Kosazana that they were all splitting off with buddies to pursue various leads throughout the base. Kosazana approved it, and let her comrades go. She trusted them and their decisions as warriors. Tyr had paired off with one of Voldsa's wolves, and the other four had teamed up in their normal twos. Soren and Solvecde were together, of course. So now everyone had broken down into groups of two, and while Kosazana could think of or find no reason to be wary, a feeling of unease was pooling in her gut.

"Slow up," she murmured, mind open so Leho could hear her as well. The harpy obligingly folded his wings and alighted on the floor next to her with gentle taps of his bare feet; Kosazana repeated the order into her microphone as she also slowed to a walk, and informed her team, "they've had a few minutes' head start. We don't have the upper hand anymore. Go slowly now, try to be stealthy. When in doubt, turn back, and contact the rest of us. We don't know who's here, what they're capable of, or what they want."

Her team each confirmed that they had received the message, and then her earpiece when quiet again. When Kosazana glanced over to Leho, she found him staring back at her intently, head cocked and wings quivering. She shook her head softly, raised a finger to her lips, and slid off to one side to hug the edge of the hallway as she advanced. Back on the wall, knees bent, feet soundless against the floor, Kosazana pricked her ears and tried to pick out any sound she could that might help her. In addition, she sent a pulse of magic through the floor, looking for other life-forms on this level. Oddly, it rippled outwards and hit the end of the building without finding anything. How could the entire level be clear?

"Stay alert," she cautioned Leho. He merely nodded to her and continued to sidle forward.

"We are only one level above their prisons," he informed her. "They have likely either abandoned it, or pulled back into it to regroup. And, yes, I will be careful."

They shared a quick smile at his humor, and proceeded towards the end of the hall. The door was on Kosazana's side of the hallway; she paused when she reached it to allow Leho to hastily cross the open space to stand on the other side of it. He only paused for a moment when he reached her. Then, with a quick nod of permission, he reached across, caught the handle, and opened the door.

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