Chapter 10

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Standing on the well-lit, but quiet street in the wee hours of the morning, bathed in the orange glow of the streetlamps placed at regular intervals, staring across the deserted roadway at a bank, Kosazana's stomach churned. It felt so wrong and so off to be standing here, looking at something so innocuous, and knowing it not to be so. Furthermore, it was strange to have it hiding in plain sight like this...and also to be contemplating breaking into a bank at three a.m.

"Why a bank?" Kosazana whispered to Voldsa, who was on her right. The Fell Pack's leader had been appointed the team lead for this particular mission, and she had devised a plan that ought to take them in the safest route possible.

"It's always a bank, a bar, or a diner," Voldsa disclosed. "Both tend to have high security and many levels. It isn't odd for many people to be coming and going quickly, or to stay a while. Of them, one is usually open at night and the other is fairly common for it to be. The other has such high security that people think nothing of restricted areas and secretive practices. They all work well if you're trying to hide something."

Kosazana agreed whole-heartedly. They had been up all night putting together their plan. All in all, they had the Fell Wolves, Kosazana, Soren and Solvecde, an Elder vampiress named Alexandra who hailed from Egypt, two drow named Andrew and Mark, and twin witches named Xio and Yu. They were to open the doors mechanically, using their magic to operate the gears and latches and locks. The drow were in charge of navigating the place. With no active floorplan, they needed the drow's unique abilities to see whatever starlight fell upon in an effort to be greater prepared for whatever lie inside. The Fell Wolves would be taking care of any resistance that they encountered with, and Soren, Solvecde, and Alexandra would be tasked with helping any who could be saved...and ending the suffering of those who could not. Kosazana's role was to remain at the back of the vanguard and disable alarms as well as provide healing if necessary. She was secretly glad to be relegated to the back of the train. After hearing whispers of what they might be facing, she was having second thoughts about agreeing to go.

On her left stood the Witch and the Elf. Both garbed entirely in black, standing towering over the rest of the group, they remained hand-in-hand until they would have no choice but to part. Soren was apparently weaponless, but Kosazana knew better: she'd seen the witch hiding various knives and daggers in and beneath his clothing. In case things got hairy, he'd stated dryly. Solvecde, on the other hand, was outfitted in enough silver to take attention away from his hair: with a small arsenal of knives and daggers of his own at various points along his body, he also carried a massive broadsword diagonally across his back. It was so long, he explained, that even he could not wear it properly. It was an ancient weapon, one that had served him well in the olden days and would serve him better now.

"What about bullets?" Kosazana had asked when she saw it. "You're bringing a sword to a gun fight!"

In response, Soren had lobbed a blueberry across the room at terrifying speed. Without looking, Solvecde knocked it clean out of the air and into the opposing wall. Kosazana considered the point well-made and let the matter rest.

"Are we ready?"

Kosazana glanced over to Voldsa. The woman had blacked out the entire top half of her face in a fearsome war-paint-like look. From the sea of black across her eyes, the whites and the brilliant green irises shone like beacons. Many others in the pack had done the same, splitting their faces down the middle or across. One woman had painted gradiating stripes across her entire face in a diagonal line from cheekbone to jaw. Some had accented with red or black designs. But all looked undeniably like warriors.

"I am ready," she declared, steeling herself for what was to come. Her comfort and strength came from remembering who she was surrounded with, and knowing that they were all strong fighters, and even stronger people.

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