|Chapter 18| Apologies and Conversations

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Demigods watched as the trucks came.

They watched as the mortals who had tried to kill them were loaded onto trucks by the government. They watched, weapons still drawn, the unspoken threat clear.

And then the mortals were gone, and the barrier was their main problem.

Within minutes the Hecate cabin, with the help of Hazel Levesque, they were repairing it. They estimated it would be fixed by nightfall. But until then, Chiron had ordered a patrol.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase took the first shift.

If it wasn't for Annabeth, Percy would have never gone on patrol. Chiron had asked for two people, and in an instant, Annabeth had volunteered. Percy, desperate for time with Annabeth, did the same.'

They pulled on their armour, Percy put Riptide in a sheath on his belt, and they took off.

It was quite nice. Annabeth and he made small talk, eyes never once looking away from the land outside the border. Their eyes were caught on every movement outside, even if that movement was a bird flapping its wings once.

About forty-five minutes into the patrol, they saw something. A procession of cars coming down the road. They were all black, with small US flags flying on the hoods.

Annabeth and Percy exchanged a surprise glance.

"Perce, go tell Chiron about this," Annabeth had told him, "I'll stay here."

So that's what Percy did. He practically ran to Chiron, and the second Chiron finished his previous conversation, he told him exactly what they had seen.

Chiron stroked his beard, deep in thought. "I believe that those cars mean the president is coming," he said. "Miss Chase, You, and I will greet him."

Percy nodded, and they walked back to Annabeth.

Once there, both Percy and Annabeth put on their helmets and flanked either side of Chiron. Chiron's bow was strung across his back, Riptide was sheathed at Percy's side, and Annabeth had twin Knives strapped to her thighs.

The motorcade stopped in front of the Camp and the three of them stepped out of the border, making it clear that they had noticed the motorcade. For a few minutes, Secret Service agents bustled around, until a car door was opened.

The President stepped out, eyes immediately finding the three immortals.

Jonathan Reese, the President of the United States of America, was surprised to see three people waiting for him once he stepped out of the car.

The first person to catch his eye was actually a centaur. His lower half was that of a white stallion, with his top half being that of a man around Jonathan's age. A great bow was strapped to his back.

On his left was a taller person who, if Jonathon had to guess, was a young man. He had a sword sheathed at his side and beautiful bronze armour. A helmet, with plumage the colour of the sea on top.

On his right, was what Jonathon assumed to be a young woman. It was hard to tell with the armour, but he saw a flash of curly blonde hair falling down her back. She was dressed similar to the young man, except her plumage was grey and she had knives instead of a sword.

They did not move to him, so he went to them, and spoke only a few words. "I came here to apologize for the actions taken against you today. I will do all that I can to make sure this incident is never repeated.

The woman dipped her head in acknowledgement, but no more words were exchanged. So the president left.


In case you haven't heard: Yesterday, April 14th, 2011, a group of men and women, numbering in the 200's attacked the camp for the children of the gods. There were zero casualties, and the group of men and women were subdued within two hours of their arrival. This comes after a series of protests, organised and unorganised attacks, against demigods. I feel like the message they've been sending these past couple months was clear, but I guess not. I mean look at the photos of them coming to the UN meeting on the 2nd. All in armour, or at least wearing something similar. The Praetor of the Roman Camp even brought her dogs. What do you guys think they're trying to tell people?

-@GreedyToad replied:

I think they're just telling people to leave them alone.


@GreedyToad, totally agree


I think stronger laws should be placed against demigods, and they need to be contained by the government! I mean they attacked hundreds of men and women, who were allowed to be there! They constantly call us mortals, which should be considered a slur, and attack those who don't agree with them! Look it up! 😡😡😡😡


@TreeHugger, Hi this is Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Praetor of the 12th legion. You are called mortals, not as a slur, but rather as a broad term, because calling you humans would be strange. The mortals we 'attacked' (actually just knocked out so the government could deal with them) were actually destroying the barrier surrounding Camp Half-Blood. The barrier that stops demigods from being killed by monsters. Also being on that land is illegal, as stated in the treaty we made with the UN. We have strong rules against attacking mortals, and the only fights between demigods and mortals have been started by a mortal. And trying to detain a demigod? Have fun with that.

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