|Chapter 12|If I do not Shut Up About Theyna My Editors Will Commit a Murder

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Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano walks into the UN headquarters with her head held high, her gold and silver dogs by her side, and a cold face.

She and her fellow Praetor, Frank Zhang were the first of the Olympian representatives to arrive. Together, they represent Camp Jupiter and the Roman pantheon as a whole.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the representatives for Camp Half-Blood and the Greek pantheon arrive next. Then Jason Grace, who is here as the Pontifex Maximus for both pantheons.

Her sister Hylla Ramírez-Arellano arrives alone, being the sole representative for the Amazons. The final arrival is Thalia Grace, who is representing the hunt.

Reyna gives Thalia a warm smile when she sees her. Their relationship had grown enormously since they had met, and both girls had developed feelings for the other. They weren't necessarily dating, but saying they didn't have something would be a lie.

Thalia grins at her, rolling her eyes at the extensive security they have to go through. Reyna gives her a look.

Everyone else passes through security with ease, but Reyna finds herself arguing to let her dogs in.

"My dogs go where I go." She says.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but they could cause a stir and-" the security guard says.

"My dogs are well trained. But..." she trails off, thinking. "How about you let them on the property, but they don't come in. I think it would be best for them, they don't like being cooped up anyway." The security guard agrees to the plan.

"Aurum, Argentum!" She calls her dogs. The two, who had been sniffing a tree a few meters away, turned to her and bounded over. She rubbed their heads, speaking to them in Latin as she did, "Patrol the perimeter, my boys."

The two bound off, and Reyna walks over to where her friends were waiting for her.

Percy grinned at her and whispered, "My boys?"

Reyna shoved him lightly and told him to shut up.

Hylla herded them along, breaking up what could have turned into a friendly fight.

Reyna and Thalia were the last two to enter the General Assembly room, and right before they did, Thalia took Reyna's hand and squeezed it three times. Reyna smiled at her, and she smiled back, before dropping her hand.

They entered the room.

The meeting that transpired that day would go down in history as not only one of the quickest, but also an important moment in history.

The representatives for the Olympians had a clear set of terms, and it was obvious that they wouldn't budge on a single term. Lucky for them, the UN was desperate to make a treaty, to avoid war, and valued keeping the Olympians happy above all.

Additionally, the terms they set out weren't that complex. The main thing highlighted was that attacking demigods was a crime, you couldn't ban a demigod from a certain workplace or a public place. There were a few more terms, including an ask that both camps be left alone.

The UN had a few terms, all very simple. They asked that demigods refrain from using powers on mortals, or purposely harming mortals in any way. It was also asked that the UN had a list of all known demigods and their parentage.

The first term was agreed upon immediately, but the second was argued over. Reyna argued that demigods should be allowed to keep their numbers a secret, for pure safety purposes.

It was blatantly obvious that the Goddess of Praetors, Leadership, Ranks, Shared Strength, the Legion, Patron of Women in Leadership roles, and the protector of the Legion was wary of the mortals.

The term was eventually scrapped, and the meeting ended with a peace treaty.

The dawn of the next day found Reyna sat at her desk at Camp Jupiter.

She had woken almost an hour before, and after trying and failing to fall back asleep, she had decided to start her day. So here she sat, going over paperwork and eating jellybeans.

A knock at her door caused her to look up. "Come in." she said.

In walked Thalia Grace, who almost immediately fell onto Reyna's bed, letting out a groan.

Reyna continued her paperwork but asked a question as she did. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just sore."



Silence overtook the room. The only sound was when Reyna would grab another handful of jellybeans and eat it. They sat in the quiet for a moment, enjoying each others company.

Reyna finished her paperwork and flopped on the bed next to the Lieutenant of Artemis. Awkwardly and slowly, Reyna let her hand intertwine with Thalias.

Thalia turned to face her. She seemed to study her for a moment, then asked a question. "Why were you so against them knowing demigods parentage?"

"It wasn't that I was angry about. I'm wary of them knowing our numbers. Just think, they know how many people we have, and then try to overrun us and take control of us."

"That won't happen, Rey. But I get it."

"I know, I know, I'm just wary of everything I guess."

"I know how you feel."

Reynas hand tightens on Thalias. She is wary, wary from everything she's ever had to go through. Wary because trusting the wrong people can be what gets you killed.

But here, with her hands intertwined with Thalia's, her wariness seems to fly away. Thalia has pushed it all to the back of her mind, letting Reyna focus on other things.

And because of that Reyna falls a bit more in love with Thalia. 

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