Chapter 5: Rias' Second Rook

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I covered my eyes to prevent them from going deaf thanks to the Digimon's screech. "Kyoko-san, what do I do?" I asked for direction through my earpiece.

"He's too far gone. You have to revert him back to his initial state." Kyoko said. I nodded as I knew what had to be done.

"Should I evolve, Taiyo-mon?" Guilmon asked.

I shook my head. "No, not yet. We don't know if it has anything up its sleeve. For now, let's conserve our energy." Guilmon nodded as he prepared his claws to fight.

Dokugumon used Acid! It spewed out purple liquid at us.

Taiyo and Guilmon evaded! We jumped away in the opposite direction, avoiding the poisonous acid.

"Our turn." I said.

I ran towards the Dokugumon and punched it in the face, making it wince and take a step back. In retaliation, the Dokugumon fired a spider web from its mouth. I jumped back, but the spider web spread out and was about to catch me.

"Fireball!" Guilmon's signature attack, the Fireball, burned the web completely turning it into dust. I kicked the Dokugumon into the sky.

Guilmon followed by jumping and delivering his own attack.

"Rock Breaker!" Guilmon sliced the Dokugumon with his claws. Guilmon landed gracefully after successfully initiating the attack. The Dokugumon recovered in mid-air and slammed his body into the ground, creating a shockwave and knocking us into the air.

The Dokugumon then created a field of web, and when we eventually landed on it, we were stuck. I tried to move my arms but they were stuck in place. Guilmon was in the same situation.

The Dokugumon slowly crawled its way towards us, likely enjoying the sight of us struggling. The sick Digimon even drooled a bit.

I sighed as I had no other choice. I covered my hands in my fire and burned off the web around my hand. Though the fire wasn't strong enough to burn the entire web field, it was enough to break me free. The Dokugumon stopped dead in its tracks, surprised by my escape. I took the opportunity and gave it a good ol' sock to its face.

I quickly sliced away the web sticking to Guilmon and soon enough, he broke free as well.

The Dokugumon screeched, it was enraged and frustrated at not being able to kill us easily. It grew desperate and started rushing towards us. Each step it took caused a tremor in the cyberspace's platform. The Dokugumon tried to ram itself into us but we jumped to dodge.

To our surprise, it started to spew webs all around and used it as a platform to bounce to us. The maneuver caught me off guard and he rammed his body right to my chest. I fell to the platform clutching my body in pain.

"Taiyo-mon!" Guilmon rushed to me in concern. The Dokugumon landed right in front of him.

"Fireball! Fireball!" Guilmon fired multiple Fireballs at the Dokugumon. While it did screech in pain, it also made it even more enraged. The Dokugumon slammed his head and knocked Guilmon away. It jumped and it was ready to crush Guilmon into a paste.

I stood up just in time to see this and quickly rushed to Guilmon's side. I put my arms in front of us and used my specialty. The Dokugumon stopped in midair. It was confused as to why its momentum stopped. I then pushed the Dokugumon away from us.

The Dokugumon, now realizing that it has no chance at victory, turned tail and started to retreat. Of course, we immediately gave chase.

The Dokugumon ran all over the place, trying to escape us. Unfortunately, space in cyberspace is limited. Eventually, it was cornered.

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