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•Previously on the last chapter•

E: Airport, Am I correct sir?
J.N: Yes Enzo, we have a flight leaving in an hour from now.
Enzo nodded before closing the window as you can just see black. Jace and Y/N looked at each other.
Y/N: That's was—
J.N: Shocking...
They both laughed.

•Present time•

Y/N and Jace were rushed toward the airport as Enzo drove them as fast as he could without getting in trouble. Once they arrived at the airport, the two got out immediately, Enzo handed Y/N her suitcase. The two started to run in the airport, and ran toward the plane. Luckily they arrived minutes before closing the door. Y/N and Jace sat in first class as the two sat in relief.
J.N: Never in my life, I had to rush something like this before.
Y/N: Welcome to my life Norman...
Jace chuckled.
Y/N: So who's coming?
J.N: The group that were chosen, Lily Harries, she is from Scott's Academy High, she's one of the winners. Jake Lee, from Parker's High School, Harry King, from Woodside creek High—
Y/N: Isn't that school private—as in a private high school?
J.N: *Nods* Yeah and George Phelps from Waterfall Academy, it's also a high school.
Y/N: And these are the people, I'll be spending my whole weekend with...
J.N: Yup, all of you will be spending two night at a hotel which is all bought from the people who started this whole thing. We never done this before until this year.
Y/N: Good to know...
J.N: Hey Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah?
J.N: What do you want to do in the future?
Y/N: I don't know Jace, if I being honest.
J.N: I mean you're...Uh?
Y/N: 18?
J.N: 18, you've to start to see what you want to become in the future. There's doctor, Actor, lawyer, judge, Police officer, influencer, artist, Dj, pretty much anything you can think of.
Y/N: Huh, I never thought about it...
J.N: See...
Y/N: It's really difficult...growing up. Time goes quick.
J.N: That's why you've to live what you have right now because once it's over, you can't never go back.
Y/N smiled at Jace and Jace smiled back at her.
F.A: Welcome board passagers, We are now in the sky, for any problem please ask question to the nearest flight attendant. We're be arriving at Los Angeles California in a few hours...thank you.
Y/N: Well this might be a long flight.
J.N: You think? You want to watch a movie?


Messages: Theodore Black🖤
:Hey, Are you okay? Did you two leave yet?

Y/N put her phone away and looked at Jace.
Y/N: Sure.
Jace took out a pair of headphones and shared it with Y/N, the two watched a movie together during the plane ride.

•Los Angeles California•

F.A; This is Ellie your flight attendant, we're just above Los Angeles. Please make sure to grab your bag above you. We'll be arriving on land in just a few minutes.
Jace and Y/N fell asleep during half away of the movie. Y/N woke up just as Ellie finished her speech. Y/N tried to stretch when she notice jace sleeping on her shoulder. Y/N was confused what to do, she looked around before looking back at him.
Y/N mind: He's cute when he sleeps—wait—what?! No—shut up Y/N. That's just the jet lag talking. Yeah—no way you said Norman was cute. I should wake him up.
Y/N: Jace?
Jace open his eyes before lifting his head. Jace blinked before remembering he was sleeping on Y/N shoulder. He looked at Y/N.
J.N: Sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to sleep on your shoulder—I just fell asleep during the movie and I couldn't find a comfortable spot so—
Y/N: Jace!—Its fine really. You got tired and you didn't know what you did. It's fine—really.
J.N: Oh okay...
J.N Mind: Okay?! The only thing you can say is Okay?! Sometimes I can be clueless to say—and it always has to be around a cute girl. Ugh!
The plane lands on the ground. Once it came to a stop, Ellie came back toward the phone to make announcement.
F.A: We've just arrived at Los Angeles California. Please raised up from your chairs, ladies and gentlemen and grab your bag with you and all of your belongings. You'll exit by the door in the near front. Hope you have wonderful trip and had a nice experience here.
Y/N and Jace got up. Everyone got their belongings and bags and walked toward the front. Once Y/N and Jace left the plane, the two didn't know what to do now.
Y/N: What do we do now?
J.N: Give me a second.
Jace takes out his phone as he makes a phone call.
J.N: This is Jace, Uh—I've the last person with me. Where should I take her?—yeah, has the other people arrived?—excellent, well then we'll be on our way.
Jace ends his call and looks at Y/N.
J.N: Come—we're going toward your hotel.
Y/N nodded and the two walked out of the airport. Jace calls a taxi as he takes them toward the hotel. Jace pays the taxi as they arrived at a hotel. The two got out of the car. Jace grabs Y/N suitcase as she was amazed by the hotel. Jace stood next to her with her suitcase.

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