Part 33

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Play song⚠️

Y/n's pov:
I saw Alyssa run in. I don't even get a chance to say how school was.

Mattia: some girl was picking on her
Y/n: what the fuck
Vallyk: mamá my head hurts
Y/n: ros go check on her since she likes you besides mattia
Ros: ok bet bestie

He walk up stairs and waited for him to come down. After 7 mins later he comes down like he was heart broken.

Y/n: what the hell happened
Ros: there was this girl and she was pushing and picking on her just for trying to go to the swings and at the car rider line she called her a fat pig and that nobody loves you and nobody will never love you and you are worthless and you should kill yourself
Mattia: hell no you don't mess with my princess
Brea: what about me papá
Mattia: yes you too

He kiss her cheek. I can see everyone is worried about Alyssa. Why would a girl talk down on her. She is going to be joke schooled till high school. My baby is so hurt she is crying and I can't do nothing about it.

Mattia: mamas you good
Y/n: no I feel like I failed as a mother that I can't protect my daughter from getting hurt
Vallyk: mamá you are not a failure

I kiss vallyk on his cheek. I start to think that maybe home schooling is a good idea for the kids since they will be the mafias next leaders. I start to get them a teacher and they will start. I see Alyssa come down the stairs with a red nose and eyes.

Alyssa: I'm sorry
Y/n: what are you sorry for
Alyssa: auntie Katie said bad bitches don't cry and I cried
Y/n: I- Katie
Katie: sorry
Y/n: nvm

I pick her up and kiss her cheek making her giggle. I put the kids to bed and get ready for bed.

Next morning

I get woken up someone talking but I pretend I was asleep to hear what they were saying.

Alyssa: I'm sorry mamá that I'm not the daughter you wanted. I understand if you don't love me. I understand if you think I'm a fat pig. I just want to let you know mamá I love you

I wake up and hug her. She cries in my chest while I play with her hair to calm her down.

Y/n: ahh babe it's ok
Alyssa: te quiero{ I love you}
Y/n: Yo también te quiero{ I love you too}

I wake up to the kids and got them ready. I go downstairs and see the teacher.

Vallyk: who is she
Y/n: your teacher till high school

I see Alyssa smile really big which made me happy.

The kids do their school all the way till junior.

I wake up so I could wake the kids up. I first go to vallyks room.

Y/n: wake uppp
Vallyk: no bitch
Y/n: llámame perra otra vez y te mostraré lo que es una perra { call me a bitch agian and I'll show you what a bitch is}
Vallyk: sorry mamá
Y/n: now get your ass ready for school

Vallyk slowly goes in the bathroom. I go to brea's room and she just groans at the sound of the door making me laugh. I go to alyssas room and see her sleeping on ft with Derek.

Derek: oh hi y/n
Y/n: hey Derek wake Alyssa up and get ready for school
Derek: ok princess wake up
Alyssa: mmm
Derek: we got to get ready for school
Alyssa: ok

She tryna and sees me and screams. I just laugh at her. I leave the room.

Mattia: I love you
Y/n: I love you too sexy

We kiss and see the kids ready which made us smile.


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