First day back::: part 2/2

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Principal Walker leans forward and rests his forearms on the table, looking between the three of us.

"Why?" he asks

"Why what?" Legacy questions

"Why are you three here?" he says

"Ask her, this is all her fault" Aaron accuses, still holding his nose

"Go see the nurse" Sir orders. Aaron nods and then leaves the room.

"Legacy, you tell me how this whole incident happened" the Principal says to him.

"Okay" Legacy agrees "Well basically, Lauren and her friend were moved up to our art lesson. Sir sat Lauren in between Aaron and me. We were fine with it until she started distracting us from our work. Aaron and I tried to ignore it but it just got out of control so we stood up for ourselves, that's when the argument started. The three of us were sent to your office. When we got outside, me and Aaron tried to make peace but Lauren obviously didn't want that. That's when she threw the punch at Aaron"

"WHAT?!" I shout "That is not what happened!"

"Lauren" Principal Walker scowls. I stop talking.

"But Sir I-" I begin



"Another word out of you without permission and I'll have you suspended


"Shh!" he frowns "Is there anything else Legacy?"

"I think so, I don't want to dwell too much on the past" he sniffs as he attempts to shed a tear, but it doesn't fall.

Then the door opens. And Aaron with a bandaged up nose walks in, sitting himself back down in his seat.

"Are you okay?" I ask bravely, but my question comes out as more of a whisper. He looks over at me with a scowl but nods anyway.

"Is anything broken?" Sir wonders

"A little, not too much damage" Aaron explains. Sir nods.

"Lauren, tell me your side of the story" Principal Walker says

"Well you see, since the day I first started at this school. These two have been..." I begin, about to explain my entire story, when I notice Aaron and Legacy glaring at me from the corner of my eye. I figured it would be best not to tell Sir about the whole 'Bullying' thing. 

"They have been what?" Sir asks

"Err...they err..." I think "They've been very nice to me" I lie. 

"So then why did you annoy them, and punch Aaron in the nose?"

"It's not the first time she's  hit us" Legacy mumbles

"What?!" Sir snaps at me


"Shush Lauren, you've said enough" the Principal scowls "You two may go" he waves Aaron and Legacy off. They smirk at me then leave the room.

"So what's my punishment" I wonder with a sigh

"You will clean the cafeteria every day after school for 2 weeks and..."

"There's more?" I gasp

"Yes" he nods "You will attend the Saturday detention this weekend with-"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Sir says.

The door opens and the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen in my whole life, steps forward. He was fair-skinned black, with beautiful brown eyes and a smile to die for. He had short dark brown curls and muscular arms. He was wearing a wife beater with a pair of washed out jeans, black, red and white sneakers and a Miami Heat snapback.

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