Chapter Three- Boyfriend

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Chapter 3- Boyfriend

I found myself just staring at the ceiling, waiting for my parents to come walking in, and my vision jerks to the door when it opens. My mom's head pokes through the door and she smiles softly before walking in with my dad in tow. Mom comes around the bed to sit in the chair that Jake was once sitting in and dad follows her but remains standing.

It's silent for a while before I begin to get annoyed. They were never this quiet and it was irritating me that the one time in my life I needed them to say something, they kept to themselves.

"Are you guys gonna just stare at me or?" I dragged. My parents smiled realizing that they were creating an unnecessary elephant in the room.

"Sorry sweetie," it was mom who spoke. "It's just you've grown up so fast in so little time". The transparent tears began to fall down my mother's face and my father immediately held her hand. "And I don't know the next time I'm gonna see you, you know?". Her voice was shaky.

I frowned, "Mom, I'm not going anywhere".

She shook her head, "But you are Hun, you have responsibilities now, you know that". It was true I did know that, I knew that my life was going to change, as soon as I found out Jake was the Alpha King. I knew.

"Well," I paused. "Maybe you and dad can come and live with me, I'm sure we can work something out," I pleaded. She shook her head once again.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to do that either".

I began to become desperate, "But why? I can't do this without you!"

She looked away, trying to regain control over her emotions. "But you can".

"Dad?" I cried. This was insane, I couldn't leave home, they had to come with me! My home was them, they were my home day in and day out.

"I," he was lost for words. "We love," he stuttered, love wasn't a word very popular in our household, "love you so much and we don't want to see you go either".

He began to blink, I assumed it was to keep the salty liquid from falling.

"But this is for the best Alice, this is your destiny, this is your future".

"But I don't want this! I never asked for this!"

"We never do ask for it but you'll see. You'll see that the path you're going on is nothing but pure greatness," he choked. I looked away, grinding my teeth.

I didn't want to cry, it was hard enough to see my parents break down, and I didn't want to follow.

I was calm now, I had my composure and from the looks of things when I turned back to them, they had as well.

"What about my gift?" I questioned, my eyes locked on my hands. "How will I finish my training?".

"Your training was almost nearly done, there wasn't much left to do," Dad stated.

"And if you ever need some, I'm sure King Alpha will take care of it," it was Mom this time.

"Right," I said softly. The air was still as we breathed in the silence. The Silence was how we truly communicated. It was what told us that we would be okay and that we loved each other.

Being apart of the Beta family, emotions are somewhat limited. Saying "I love you" from a family such as ours was a sign of weakness. So we don't say it often unless it's necessary.

But the silence, the silence was how we spoke when we were with people and we wanted the other to know. It's how we loved one another.

A soft knock to the door was heard before the door cracked open and in came the short man from the ball the other day. He gave me a once over before looking at my parents.

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