Chapter Four- Apologies

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He walks through the door, with his grin still blinding me. "Whatcha doin there?"

He's more than amused. I blink a few times trying to come up with something. 

"I, uh," I stutter. Nothing was coming to mind, he was so distracting.

"I was just testing out the bed, seeing how um comfy it was," I pat the bed. "Yep, its pretty good."

He squints his eyes, smiles, and nods his head; there's no way he fell for that

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He squints his eyes, smiles, and nods his head; there's no way he fell for that. I awkwardly chuckle and look anywhere other than his face. 

"It's a nice place, you got here," I attempt to make small talk. He smiles and studies me, I'm forced to act like I have things to do so I walk to the closet. He realizes that he's made me uncomfortable and he answers.

"Yeah it is, I'm sure Stump gave you the history behind it."

I chuckle lightly, "Yeah he did." The full history, I thought.

"So do you like your room?" I can feel him walking towards me and I unconsciously take in a deep breath as I move deeper in the closet, trying to figure out what to wear. This shirt reeked of my ex, I desperately needed to change. I didn't want to disrespect Jake, seeing as I already did that to him once.

All my clothes were here, it was just about finding them. He was at the door when I said, "I love it". I took my focus off of the clothes and offered a small smile. I could tell something was on his mind. He took a step forward and I immediately walked deeper in the closet. 

"I uh, I was hoping I could talk to you about something".

"Yeah? What about?" I pulled a shirt out of the closet, oh wow, I forgot about this shirt. 

"I wanted to talk to you about this morning," he said. I stopped, putting the shirt back in the closet. I looked at him, I was nervous, I didn't know what I would say if he said anything remotely similar to what was said this morning. 

"Yeah." I say. "About that, I uh--"

"No please, don't," he says. I close my mouth. "This morning, I went about it all wrong and I'm not proud of it. I just," he pauses, trying to figure out what he's trying to say. "I just wanted to be there for you. I guess I was angry because I wanted you to be open with me. My whole life, I've watched my parents love each other and be there for one other and I wanted the same. But relationships don't really work like that, do they?"

He continues, "It was wrong of me to put all my expectations on you like that. We're mates but that doesn't really mean anything until we can find a way to be friends first".

Wow, is all I can manage to think.

"So what do you say," he sticks out his hand. "Do over?"

How could I say no?

I shook his hand and I immediately shivered as tiny sparks flew from contact. "That's going to take some getting used to".

He nods, "Yeah it is". We stare at each other for a moment or two before I get awkward again and turn to the drawers to put a decent shirt on. There's an awkward silence for a while before he opens his mouth to start a conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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