Chapter #26

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Chapter 26


They sang happy birthday as we brought out the cake. It was weird seeing the fated being normal men. I felt the same sensation as I had when I first entered their home. The light banter between the family didn't wane, even when I was sure Arold was going to jump over the coffee table to deck his father when the man mused aloud what color of underwear I wore.

Luckily, or unluckily, a single stab of a fork in his thigh shut him up, which resulted in their mother dragging him from the room, up the steps. Eventually, their brother and sister left us alone in the den.

Honestly, it felt like I could finally breathe. Not that their parents were awful people, but meeting them for the first time without warning wasn't what I thought of as a good time.


Releasing a sigh, I leaned back on the couch before finally meeting Mister Grumpy's worried eyes. "Nothing, just tired."

I felt a hand slide up my back and fingers begin to press into my neck. I bit my lip to keep from groaning. "Ah, that's exactly what the doctor ordered."

Ciar laughed. "Well, if this makes you this happy, let's forget the present then."

I had closed my eyes in the midst of his rub down, but at the mention of possible material goods I squinted. "What is it?" I frowned. "Shouldn't I be the one giving gifts?"

Maybe it was because I was tired and emotionally tapped, but when Arold said, "Come home with us," my heart felt heavy.

The two men quietly observed me, waiting for my answer. I couldn't help to give a halfhearted fight. "I should head home, and it's late."

Ciar leaned in, the bastard. "Just admit my brother and I won this round," he brushed his lips along my neck, "just give in."

If there was such a thing as the serpent of hell, I can see why Eve said fuck eternal happiness for an apple.

So with a lot of consoling, and pulling on their part, I found myself being dragged from the mansion, waving a good-bye to their parents, and shoved not so quickly into their car.

As we drove off, I couldn't help but think over the last few weeks. Maybe for tonight, I could let myself forget for a moment that we were bonded in such a dark way. I could think of this as a night to be completely open.

Even if at some point I knew they would tear my heart from my chest still beating, even though I knew the end would come.


"I want you both to know, this is considered stalking."

I looked across the yard of the "new" house, to the front steps of my house. The creepy, stalking fated had actually bought the house next door to mine. It was enough of a "surprise" that all of the feeling of exhaustion had blasted away.

It was honestly too much.

I whipped around and stared at the two—full-on bitch mode, hand on hips and eyes narrowed.

"Whose idea was this?"

Now, while I am something of a threat to my friends and colleagues at the bar, it's shit trying to stare down two men who are a: way too sure of themselves, and b: taller than me. If Arold looked at me one more time like I was the cutest goddamn thing on the planet, I was going to shove my purse up his—

"Both of us thought of it," Ciar said easily, his hands shoved in his pockets as he glanced up at the house. "And we've bought every property next door to the one your parents own."

Fated: A Cursed Dark Lover (BWWM) MFMWhere stories live. Discover now