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Chapter Seventeen| Aleksio

"Can you stop glaring at me?" I grit my teeth at Lily's older brother, Ross.

He's sat opposite me, playing with a knife. I roll my eyes and stare at the table.

We're now in Russia. Lily's uncle was so sure that she would be here and I'm just hoping that she is.

I check my phone and smile when Lily's face comes up on my lock screen.

We arrived in Russia three days ago and we are still trying to find Lily. There's been no progress and I can tell everyone is overly stressed out; especially her dad.

"I swear I'm going to skin them all alive for taking my niece." Luciano growls out, slamming his gun on the table.

"Aleksio." I look up at Kaden and nod my head. "Let me speak to you." He nods his head to the exit of the room and I stand up straight before following him out.

"What do you want to speak to me about?" I question and he sighs, tucking his gun into the waistband of his trousers.

"I'm sorry." My eyes widen at his words. "My wife spoke some sense into me and I'd be a hypocrite to blame this all on you, considering I did the same with Ava." I slowly nod my head at his words.

"I mean it's sort of my fault." I shrug.

"I won't stop you from seeing my little girl. It's whatever she decides but that doesn't mean I won't hurt you if she's unhappy." I nod my head again and gulp.

"Thank you for giving me a chance, Mr Morello." I give him a small smile and surprisingly he smiles back.

"We have to work together and we can't do that if we're not all getting along." He holds his hand out for me to shake and I don't hesitate to shake his hand. "Don't fuck up anymore, you problematic little shit." He smirks and then pats my shoulder before walking back into the building.

I wait a couple minutes before walking back in. "You found anything?" I question Lily's godfather, Elijah.

He shakes his head and continues to type away on his laptop.

"You won't be helping us." My dad tells me and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You don't belong in this world, I made a mistake."

"What?!" I exclaim and he sighs, rubbing his face in frustration. I can tell how tired and fed up he already is with the whole situation.

"You heard me, son. This was a mistake, you can't handle being in an organisation like this." I clench my jaw in frustration. "You need to do something meaningful with your life."

"You calling me weak?" I question, tilting my head.

"Your mother wouldn't of wanted this life for you anyway." He sighs.

I feel myself starting to get angry. "She left us. Who cares what she thinks?!" I spit out and run my fingers through my hair.

"Aleksio calm do-"

"Holy shit!" My dad is interrupted by the voice of Elijah. "I've found her. Kaden, you're not gonna like this." My eyes widen at his words.

"Adrik's son has her." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and look at Lily's dad who's face has gone pale.

"Who's Adrik?" I question.

"A fucking psychopath." My dad groans. "Way before you were born, Kaden and I had a sort of disagreement with him, he's dead. Now it's obvious his evil little shit wants some sort of revenge."

"Is this who you're at war with?" I ask my dad and he nods his head. "Why did they take Lily? Why not me?"

"He hated me more." Lily's dad speaks up and I slowly nod my head. "Fuck! Ava's gonna kill me."



"Please let me go." I whimper, staring at the tattooed man. His black hair is slick back with a strand falling over his forehead. He must be a few years older than myself. He sighs and just stares at me.

I must look a mess.

I've been crying nonstop and this crazy guy hasn't even said a word apart from just stare at me. He's tied me to a chair in a room which is basically marble all over, everything just looks expensive, even the rope.

"What do you want? Where's Aleks?" I sniffle and his face softens a little. His blue eyes stare deeply into my own and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're Kaden's daughter?" I don't say anything. "Answer me!" He growls out, getting closer to me, his Russian accent thick.

"Why do you wanna know?" I raise my eyebrows at him and I watch as he clenches his jaw shut.

"Lily Morello." He slowly whispers and runs a tattooed finger across my cheek. "Beautiful, aren't you?" He arches an eyebrow and I bite my lip, looking away from him.

"My family and boyfriend will be looking for me." I whisper and he just smiles.

"Well we better make the most of our time together, baby girl." He smirks and stands up. He begins to walk backwards until he's at the door. "I'll get you some food." He nods before walking out, leaving me by myself.

I whimper and try to get out of my restraints but he's done them way too tight.

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." I repeat to myself. "Deep breathes."

It must take about an hour before the guy returns with food.

Food that I don't intend on eating.

"McDonald's? You like that?" He grabs a chair and sits it in front of me. He sits down, his knees brushing mine.

"What's your name?" I tilt my head.

"Ivan." I nod my head. "Burger?" He pulls out a cheeseburger and holds it up to my mouth.

I keep my mouth closed and shake my head.

"You don't want it?" He raises his eyebrows. Then he shrugs and takes a bite.

"What do you want from me?"

"Patience." He swallows his food and then leans back on his chair. "Your boyfriend.....seems a bit weak. Couldn't even protect you back in Albania." He chuckles.

"You knocked him out cold! Is he even alive?!" Ivan continues to chuckle.

"More than alive. We let the fucker go as soon as we spotted your gorgeous self." He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees which are covered in black jeans.

"What do you want?" I feel my eyes beginning to water again. This is getting so frustrating and I can feel a headache coming on.

"Hey, don't cry." He stands up and runs his fingers through my hair. I flinch and move my head away. "You'll love it here, I promise." He winks.

I gulp.

What the hell?!

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