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Cass.tayls To Zach, thank you for everything you've done for me these past months. You've always made time for me no matter what you have going on in your own life. Thank you for coming over when I'm having a down day. Thank you for being your idiot self and cheering me up. I'm so glad our mom's met, because I can not imagine my life without you. I love you.

To Hannah, thank you for making my last shift at the cresmont one of the best ever. Thank you for being the popcorn to my hot dog. You are so forgiving, patient and loyal, traits I hope little peanut has. Don't train the newbie up too good. I'll be coming back.

To Justin, boy we've had our issues but we've came out the other side stronger than ever. Thank you for making me realise I'm actually a strong ass woman who can take on the world. So, to my good friend turned boyfriend turned ex boyfriend turned best friend, I love you J.

To Jess, there was a point in time where I fucking hated you lmao. Thank you for reaching out to me, I'm so glad i gave you a second chance because girl you're the daisy to my Minnie. Can't wait to make more memories with you by my side.

To Sheri, thank you for teaching me how to own up to my shit. Thank you for teaching me how important grades actually are lololol. Thank you for forcing me to get my hw and projects done on time. Without you and clay, I would've never aced those tests.

And a big shout out to Jeff, Tony and Clay for being the 3 coolest dudes anyone could ever meet.

The last mention is to you Bryce. It hurts that our friendship broke down the way it did. You've been a constant in my life since we were 6. Just because we don't talk anymore doesn't mean that I don't love you. I will forever cherish the memories that we made together. You are so much better than the act you put on.

[Tagged demp.z, hanzbaker, Monty.dlc, j.foley, cheery.jess & Sheri.holl]

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