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Liked by Monty.dlc and 538 others
Cass.tayls School ain't it chief 😣

King_bw But you get to spend 70% of your day with me baby bear 😉
Sheri.holl How are you so pretty 😢
Hanzbaker Cheer up buttercup
Alleexstan Fucking mood 👌
Cass.tayls King_bw Yeah exactly why I don't wanna come to school
Padillatons Sit with me at lunch?
Court.crim See you in chem!
TDpictures Hey, I have a project for photography class due soon. Would you mind being my model?
Cass.tayls padillatons ofc 😘
Cass.tayls TDpictures Yeah I would love that! What about today after school?
Demp.z Need to talk to you today! Asap
Monty.dlc Baby face 😇
Clayjens1 Oh yay, I've got you for 3 classes. Snap outta that mood sharpish
Cass.tayls Monty.dlc You single bbe? 😍
Monty.dlc Cass.tayls Hopefully not for much longer.. 😉
Cindzcity Demp.z Denied baby boy

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