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One of my friends recently told me this “Just have an inspiration” which keeps me on thinking about what “inspiration” really means. Inspiration is one of the keys to success and motivation in life. Imagine if you are not inspired, can you do anything in particular that will help you achieve which will make you glad? You might think that we are to focus only on the good side of inspiration but what is the essence of this essay if we only focus on the good side and do not talk about the flaws of the main topic? In life, there are only two sides of inspiration, the negative and the positive which not everyone in this world can truly understand the difference between the two. In addition, there are also a lot of reasons for us to be inspired, those things that make us inspired and the several causes of why such as love and influence. Let’s talk about those later on, what we need to focus now is our main topic and of course we will get on to the different aspects of it piece by piece. For now, I would like you to think about this question and ask yourself “What is the true essence of being inspired?”

            I have mentioned earlier that one of the keys to success is to have an inspiration but not hold on to your thoughts. I didn’t literally mean that having any inspiration will help you to be successful. Think about this “Can you be successful if there is a flaw in your inspiration?” In this case, not all inspiration are good, some has flaws and are bad to have. Influence now comes into our main topic but before we proceed, let me be clear that there is no such thing as “bad inspiration” well literally saying or it is a rare used phrase and not all people are aware of. What I mean about “bad inspiration” is the usage of being inspired with someone or something with no limitations and having flaws which may come from those who influence you or from those who makes you inspired. The main flaw of being inspired is being limitless, setting no boundaries in which being so inspired with that particular person or thing, you tend to forget those things that you should be focused on or at some point, lose your motivation if your inspiration hurts your feelings or fail you.

            One of the main sources of inspiration is love. Of course all of us love someone in our lives. There is still hate but as what they say “Love conquers all.” Now, being inspired and being in-love are not really the same with each other but having an inspiration clearly means that you love that person or thing because if it’s not, then it is nonsense. In all aspects, love is the strongest while it still can make you weakest and it is true that it makes us vulnerable but it can motivate us in our lives. Going back to the flaw of inspiration, love is one of them. That is when we are out of control of love, excessive and obsession with our inspiration is a flaw and we cannot anymore say that that is an inspiration of yours if it corrupts you and destroys you as well.  There are those people who are very serious with their inspirations or love them more than they should (even more than they love themselves). This is a bad thing for us to have because we forget our own limitations until we realize that something is happening which is not good due to what we choose.

            Let’s go back to influence which is the main cause of the results from our inspiration. I keep on asking myself why there are those people, who get inspiration from some bad influences like addiction, drugs and so much more. Remember that most of us do things from people that we idolize; they influence us with their lives. In addition which is a contradiction to my statement above, not all bad influence means pure evil, and there are those who still have good inside. Know that being inspired does not mean to make you be truly influenced by that particular person or by that thing. Know your limitations and do not let yourself be controlled. In addition, you must also remember that it is better to be a good influence to others using your own capabilities with your own inspiration to inspire them. As you are inspired, you can also be an inspiration to other people that surrounds you, some you know and some you might not. Influence is a big thing in this life so use it wisely and it influences you for the good.

            The flaws and problems might be many and you will think of those more than you think the good side if you are unwise. The good side of inspiration is bigger than you could ever think. People often became successful because of being inspired in their lives whether they are being inspired by someone special or (most importantly) inspired by God. Now I do not mean that you must be inspired to be a successful person and honestly that is a different story which we might talk about in some other time. What you must have is a true and good inspiration. Be wise enough to have the right one and not just have because you just want it or you are forced. That is the main good side of being inspired, it can make you successful yet some fails to know the true meaning of it and desolates when they were driven mad to other places. The important thing is, you must follow the path, the path that will lead you to true achievement in life.

            The essence of inspiration is simply success and accomplishments however there is a true meaning behind the real importance of it. There is a good and bad side of it. There is influence, love, distraction, flaws and so much more. I believe that the real importance of being inspired is giving you the opportunity to live your life alive. Being alive does not simply mean that you are breathing but for me it means that you live your life happily, healthy and full of dreams. To connect, inspiration can keep you alive with your dreams living with you. It is simply because you want your inspirations to be proud of you on what you do and what you can achieve. Though there are some people wherein their inspirations causes their devastation due to the fact that these who inspires them just hurts their feelings, still during the process of being inspired with that person brings them joy in their lives. The most important person whom we should be inspired with is God. Be consistently faithful to Him and you will achieve your real goals in life and your inspiration will not dismay you. Remember that when you get inspired, think first why then how this will affect your life and know the possible result that it will give you. Be wise enough to be inspired in life and be a good influence to others. In the end, there are two things that inspiration may cause you; desolation or delight. Just have an inspiration.

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