The Cause-and-Effect

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Certain things happen for a reason and they could also be a big factor on what we have decided to do or say before it happen. It is actually like a chain reaction wherein your decision today will affect your future self. Have you ever thought of why these things happen to you and why they kept on being made? Could it be because of what you believe or something that may be connected to what you have done or uttered before? Some of us believe the first, while some believe the other and there are those who believe that both are contributing facts. It could be depending on what you believe somehow but the hard and inescapable truth is that they will always be a part or our lives. They will always be there no matter what. Like what I have mentioned above, it is like a chain reaction, it is the cause and effect.

Cause and effect will always be connected to the reason. Reason comes in as it is a question of that cause and effect: why did you do it? So it could be in a sequence like this: Cause - Effect - Reason or Reason - Cause - Effect. The difference between the two is obviously noticeable. The first one is actually a little careless decision and more likely a straightforward and fast decision making whereas the second sequence is more on a planned and is being well decided. Before we proceed, you may think that the sequencing could be redundant like Cause/Reason - Effect - Cause/Reason knowing that the words reason and cause are synonymous. On a lighter note, The cause will tackle more on the origin while the reason will be more on the decision why it was made. Continuing the discussion, what could be the negative and positive sides of both sequences?

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